Career Change Motivation

I realize that building up career change motivation can be extremely difficult when you're completely fed up with your current career. That being said, just wanting to change to a new career isn't enough. One of the best ways to increase both your income and happiness is to choose a career that you love. I've heard more than a few people say that people who have become rich are extremely lucky. Why are they lucky? They're lucky because they get to do whatever they want. In actuality, the people who are the most successful found something they loved doing and that is why they became successful. I think finding work you love is the most important aspect of career change motivation.

I used to work in an office and I absolutely hated it, even if it was in a position I had a bit of skill in. I was fantastic at planning events and coming up with solutions to problems. The problem I could never solve though was the fact that I could barely even fake caring about the job. I wanted to reach people, I wanted to make a difference and to get them to be excited and motivated about their lives. This is why I made the transition into creativity consulting. I had always been interested in the arts and I'd loved giving advice to people. Why not try to inspire those who were stuck in dead-end jobs to find a reason to be excited about life again?

At first, this new prospect got me excited and I had a huge amount of career change motivation. When you first have an idea that you could do something that would make you happy, there is an abundance of motivation. The issue comes when you've been at it for a few months and you haven't seen any immediate results. When your career change motivation hits a bump or two in the road, the important thing is to not give up. On many occasions during my first two years blogging and writing about creativity and motivation, I considering completely giving up, cutting my losses by selling my website, giving me enough money to live on while I looked for a job closer to what I used to do. Fortunately, I didn't give up. I kept pushing myself to do something that I loved, because I knew that it would bring me more success than my old line of work ever had.

To help me along the way, I listened to a lot of personal development books on tape, I read blog posts and self-help tomes and I even called up a prominent author on the subject of happiness. If I had tried to keep my career change motivation up on my own, I might have failed miserably. I suggest that when you hit a motivation lull, you need to reach out to these resources or even to your friends and family. I put together a mastermind group for a short period of time that helped to keep me motivated during a difficult time. You need to pull out all the stops when you feel that motivation beginning to slip away.

How long should you keep it up though? Is there a point of no return or should you turn back if you realize that this path just isn't right for you? In my opinion, if you are doing something you love, you will find success out of it if you go for it 100 percent and believe in yourself. Keep going until you find your first success in your new line of work. Once you find that making a living in your new calling is possible, that should be all the career change motivation you'll need. 

Done with Career Change Motivation? Go back to Motivation Techniques. 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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