Christmas Writing Prompts

Ho ho ho, it's time for a set of 10 free Christmas writing prompts! After having created a set of writing prompts for many major holidays, including several fan favorites like ThanksgivingNew Year's Eve and the Fourth of July, I thought it only fitting that I should put these prompts out into the world.

Even though I'm not Christian myself, my mother's side of the family is and as a result I've celebrated aspects of the holiday my entire life. Sending and receiving gifts, visiting religious services and the music and decorations of Christmas make it a holiday worth writing about! Give it a shot :).

Christmas Writing Prompts

1. Many neighborhoods worldwide sport the bright lights of Christmas decorations on the outside of houses including colorful Santa Clauses, reindeer, elves and nativity scenes. The inside of Christmas houses may include stockings, wreaths, candy canes and angels. What would you include on the inside and the outside of your house for your ideal Christmas decorations?

2. One of the most entertaining aspects of Christmas is the groups of people going around caroling, singing songs of Christmas cheer. If you could put together a dream team of singers living or deceased to carol around your neighborhood with, who would they be and why? Also, what songs would you sing?

3. While your family's Christmas dinner may be similar from year to year, if you traveled to a different country for the holiday, you'd find something completely different. For example, in Poland, the Christmas dinner often consists of roasted carp, beetroot soup and ravioli! Imagine that you could create Christmas dinner from scratch with totally new traditions; what would you include and why?

4. You open up a Christmas card to find out that it's addressed from yourself, 20 years in the future! What Christmas wishes and advice does the future version of you have to offer?

5. Santa Claus has decided to take the year off and he's giving you and your classmates a chance to take over. You are now tasked with bringing gifts to everyone in the world on one night. Since there are many jobs at the North Pole, such as elf supervisor and lead packager, pick a job that would best fit each of your classmates and explain why they'd be so good at that job.

6. During the Christmas season, friends, family and other loved ones spend billions of dollars on gifts each year. Imagine that you could re-purpose one billion dollars from gift giving on helping people somewhere around the world. What would you do with that money and why?

7. The people around the world have grown tired of the songs "Jingle Bells" and "Silent Night" and they have asked you to create a new song for Christmas. What would your song be titled and what would the first few lines be? Feel free to include the entire song if you want!

8. Some people celebrate Christmas as the birth of baby Jesus while others simply consider it to be a time for family and gift giving. What do you think is the best way to celebrate Christmas and why?

9. Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without the tree! Describe a time (made up or real) in which you and your family went hunting for the perfect tree to use in your celebration.

10. It's obvious how much fun Christmas can be for a kid, getting to tear into presents and get everything he or she wants, but what about for adults. What do you think is the most important aspect of Christmas for adults like your parents and other relatives and why is it so important?

Written by Bryan Cohen 

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on  and Facebook

I hope you enjoyed these ten Christmas writing prompts! Feel free to celebrate the holidays in my gift shop of writing prompts, writing motivation and self-help book shop. :)! 

Done with Christmas Writing Prompts? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts.

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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