Free Creative Writing Prompts from the Heart, Part 1

Free Creative Writing Prompts from the Heart, Part 1

There are countless freecreative writing promptspages on the Internet. I’ve looked. The #1 site that comes up on Google has 329 prompts. And some of them are definitely good too. I’m going to concentrate on prompts that will allow you to open up and really share parts of yourself ( no innuendo here…until I pointed it out of course :) ).

My first suggestion beyond these 20 free (from the heart) prompts that I’m about to list is to pick up something you started a long time ago and work on it again. It’s amazing how a year or more of experience can change your perspective.

I am trying to get myself to pick up a novel I wrote for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) last November. It’s hard for me because I recall that towards the end of the month-long rush, I was definitely short-changing it a bit. However, I know that if I pick it up, I will be able to approach it with a better understanding of myself and the way I went about it in the first place.

Ah, the joys of perspective :).

My acting teacher in college, Joan Darling often said that when you access something from your past, I mean when you really access it, it’s like giving yourself a gift. That is what I attempted to do with these. What follows is a list of twenty opportunities to give yourself a gift. You’ll know what I mean when you get there… 

1. Pick the person you most want to see in the world right now. Write a monologue or a letter to that person and then continue the story.

2. Write a scene between your parents (living or deceased, it doesn’t matter) talking about you and your life. 

3. Write down three names of important people from your past. Start writing a story or scene between three characters with those names. 

4. Recount the story of your most romantic experience ever. You can change the names if you need to. Be very detailed about the entire encounter. 

5. Write a story from the perspective of your favorite childhood pet. Make sure to include details about how the pet sees you and your family. 

6. Write a scene about your best friends from high school talking about you while you aren’t there set during the present day. 

7. Go back in your mind to the moment you chose your current religious stance. Describe the feelings that occurred during your transition from a different religion or any blind following you were previously doing. 

8. Go back in your mind to the moment you chose your current political stance. Describe the feelings that occurred during your transition from a different party or any blind following you were previously doing. 

9. Pick a person who has betrayed you. Write a story about the moment that this occurred. 

10. Try to remember the moment where you felt you lost your innocence. Write a conversation between your present self and the past version of you from that moment. 

11. Write a scene about your best friends from high school talking about you while you aren’t there set during your senior year of high school. 

12. Write a scene or a story with the characters of your heart, your brain and your soul. 

13. Pick the person you least want to see in the world right now. Write a monologue or a letter to that person and then continue the story. 

14. Write about an experience that occurred outside of your current state or country that changed you in some way. 

15. Dictate the most important phone call you’ve ever had in your life. 

16. Write a scene between you and a person you betrayed, set around the time that the betrayal occurred. 

17. In a sci-fi kind of style, you have magically gained the ability to change into the person you most want to be in the world, describe a day in your life. 

18. Describe the last time you cried that didn’t relate to a movie, television show, play or book. 

19. Sit in total silence for five minutes and observe the things around you. Write a story about the sense of awareness this brings you. 

20. Write a scene that reunites you with the one that got away. If it does happen to turn into a romance novel, that’s perfectly fine :). 

When you utilize these free creative writing prompts , it is advised that you just start writing whatever comes into your brain. Too much thinking is what got you searching for prompts in the first place, so you might as well get rid of that crap right now :). These prompts aren’t easy. While in different degrees, all of them take a lot of guts to write. If you are finding yourself too afraid to write, check out this article which will explain why that is perfectly Ok. 

I am considering posting a contest about these and my future prompts. Let me know on the form below if you think that would be a good idea. Until then, happy writing!

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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Three years. Not rated yet
This is actually my first attempt at writing a monologue! I'm lpretty sure it's bad, but I lstill like it because most of it came from the heart! Hahaha! …

sweet as god Not rated yet
It's about me growing up how god helps and now I still need help me. I learn for my mistake and more happier...

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