1. The technology I couldn't live without.

by Gaby

Technology today helps people in many different ways. From transportation to communication to entertainment an much more. Computers are one of the biggest things in technology today. Without my computer, my life would be very different.

Communication is one of things I do most on computers. It helps keep in touch with those that you cannot be with bet yet long to be with. There's Facebook, MySpace, Hotmail and hundreds of other websites designed for people to communicate with one another. Without these, I don't know how I would be able to communicate with families away in distant countries, come in contact with an old friend, or simply ask a friend to go to the movies.

Entertainment is another big thing that people do on computers. There's tons of games and videos and other things that you can access on a computer even when you're not at home. Without these, it would be hard to find another source of entertainment to help time go by faster especially when you are away and have no other option.

Last but not least, there's research. Nobody likes to search through a bunch of old books for hours trying to find a small piece of information when you could have pages of all the facts you need with just the click of a mouse. Without having a computer to help me find information when I need it, my life would be a lot more complicated. With computers, almost any problem you have can be solved just by pressing a few buttons.

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Dec 24, 2021
Good one NEW
by: Sobia

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May 15, 2019
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