2nd Grade Writing Prompts #1: Summer

Here is a collection of 10 free 2nd grade writing prompts that your children and students can use to write about summer. I recall writing stories on yellow pieces of construction paper (which apparently looked like the sun) about the wonderful journeys my family took outside of our Pennsylvania home. We never went anywhere terribly exotic, but every time we left home I always had a ton to write about when we got back. I hope these 2nd grade writing prompts can inspire the same amount of writing as it did for me.

You may notice that the numbers on this page do not start at 1 and work their way up. This is because these 10 2nd grade writing prompts are an excerpt from my book, 500 Writing Prompts for Kids: First Grade through Fifth Grade. If you like these free samples, the full version is available in both digital and paperback form. 

2nd Grade Writing Prompts #1: Summer

301. Imagine that it’s a blazingly hot day outside while you’re home for summer vacation. You and your family don’t have anything planned for the day. What do you all do to keep cool and to have a fun time?

302. It is summertime at the community pool. You, your family and your friends are all hanging out and swimming around to keep the shiny sun at bay. What activities would each member of your family do during a typical day at the pool?

303. Your parents have sent you off to an overnight camp for eight weeks during the summer. You will be away from most of your friends and you will be in an unfamiliar place for two months. Then again, you will be sleeping in a cool cabin and doing fun activities all summer long! Tell a story about this sleep away camp and what you would do there to pass the time.

304. When you are hot and sweaty during the summer, one of the best things to do is to drink a refreshing, chilly beverage. What is your drink of choice during the summer and why? Do you buy it at a store or make it yourself? Would you consider selling the drink at a refreshing drink stand?

305. During a regular summer day, what would your usual attire be? Are you a shorts and a t-shirt kind of person? Do you always have a swimsuit underneath so you’re ready to jump in a pool or run through some sprinklers? Do you stay in your pajamas to play video games? Go into detail of your outfit from top to bottom.

306. What are some of the most fun summer activities you’ve ever done? Some examples might include swimming in the ocean, hiking up a mountain or sliding down a hill on a block of ice. Tell at least three stories of summer activities. If you have not done anything too exciting, make up a story in which you get to do three crazy activities in one day.

307. Name at least three sports that you and your friends might play during the summer? Who is the best of your friends at these sports and why do you enjoy playing them so much?

308. During the summer, a lot of families embark on a summer road trip. This might be a trip to see your relatives or it might be on the way to an exciting vacation. Tell a story (real or made-up) about a family road trip to a cool destination.

309. While some people just sit around all summer, others take the time off to do something cool like read a bunch of books or paint a painting. What are five productive, interesting things you could do during your next summer vacation and why would you want to do them in particular?

310. Imagine that you lived in a part of the country that had a really short summer, where there were only a few days of warmth surrounded by over 300 cold days. How would your summer be different and how would you take advantage of the warmth for that short period of time? 

Done with 2nd Grade Writing Prompts? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts.

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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