3rd Grade Writing Prompts #4: Athletics

Batter up! Here is a collection of 10 3rd grade writing prompts about athletics. Many kids in third grade don't care about much other than sports. This presents a wonderful opportunity to get these sports-loving kids to sit down and write about their favorite activities.

You may notice that the numbers on this page do not start at 1 and work their way up. This is because these 10 3rd grade writing prompts are an excerpt from my book, 500 Writing Prompts for Kids: First Grade through Fifth Grade. If you like these free samples, the full version is available in both digital and paperback form. 

3rd Grade Writing Prompts #4: Athletics

151. What are your favorite three sports? Why do you like them, why do you play them and why do you watch them?

152. If you could be any athlete in the world, who would you be and why? Describe a typical day for you as this super athlete person.

153. Have you ever had an amazing athletic moment of success? Like scoring a goal in soccer or getting a hit in baseball? If so, describe the lead up to that moment and how it felt afterwards. If not, create a story of you doing something incredible during a sporting event.

154. What does it mean for you to be on an athletic team? You all have a team name, the same team colors and you meet together multiple times a week. Do you have a special bond with these people or is it just dumb luck that has you all together?

155. How does participating in sports change you? Do you think that you’ve learned anything from being involved in athletics and why or why not? Have you kept in better shape as a result?

156. What are some of the sports that you don’t like? Why don’t you like them and why don’t you enjoy either playing them or watching them? What could you change about the sport that would make it more fun for you?

157. Create your own sport from scratch. Give it your own rules, your own uniforms and your own name. Make sure to create a sport that you and all your friends would want to play!

158. During gym class or physical education class, you and your classmates get the opportunity to play sports and learn about athletics. What is your favorite part about this class? What is your least favorite part? If you had the choice would you have more of this class, less of it, or the same amount?

159. Imagine 15 years down the line, you have become a professional athlete at your particular sport. You’re either in the NBA, the NFL, the NHL or some other worldwide organization in which you get paid to play sports. What is it like? What team do you play for? Do you have a lot of fans? Go into extreme detail.

160. Some people day that playing sports is good for your brain and your overall health. What are some of the benefits that you get from sports? Does it make you feel happier? Does it help you make new friends? 

Done with 3rd Grade Writing Prompts? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts.

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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