The world can be an amazing thing to think about sometimes. These 10 free 4th grade writing prompts deal with the way the world works in ways that most fourth graders would never think about. This can help them to understand more about the planet they live on.
You may notice that the numbers on this page do not start at 1 and work their way up. This is because these 10 4th grade writing prompts are an excerpt from my book, 500 Writing Prompts for Kids: First Grade through Fifth Grade. If you like these free samples, the full version is available in both digital and paperback form.
4th Grade Writing Prompts #5: The World
421. If something is interdependent, it means that if a situation affects one part of it, it affects the rest of it. Just like in the food chain, if all of one animal dies out, if affects all the other animals. How do you think the world is interdependent? How do things that happen in your town, state or country affect the rest of the world?
422. Look at the back of a cereal box or a pencil and you will see that it was typically made somewhere other than your home town. If you went to the factory the items were made from, you’ll find that they got their raw materials from somewhere else, even possibly from another country. Make up a story in which you track how something is made from beginning to end including all the people who worked on it.
423. There are a lot of countries in the world that are in conflict with one another. Sometimes this conflict can even lead to war. What do you think are the issues between some of these countries? Why can’t they get along?
424. Nowadays, it takes only seconds to get in touch with someone halfway across the globe. Before there were international telephones and the Internet, it could take much longer to talk to people in other countries. How do you think these advances in communication have affected how countries work together?
425. How do you find out about things going on in the world? Do your parents tell you? Do you watch the news on television or online? Go into detail about how you find out about the world. If you don’t really know what’s going on in the world, write down a few ways you might be able to improve your worldliness.
426. Some people decide to join the Armed Forces, which means that they travel around the world to protect their country. Do you know anybody who is in the Army, Navy, Air Force or another group? If so, who is it and what do you think it’s like for them? If not, create a story in which you join one of these groups and travel around the world to protect your country.
427. In college, one of the things you are allowed to do is to “study abroad” which means you can go to a foreign country, take some classes there and learn about the culture for half a year or an entire year. What are a few of the countries you think you might want to go to? What would you want to learn while you’re there?
428. In other parts of the world, there are a lot of positive and negative things that you might not usually have in your life here. For example, in Germany there are many well-crafted and tasty chocolates. In addition, in some parts of the world, there are many tropical diseases that make a lot of people sick. What are some of the positives and negatives of living where you live as opposed to the rest of the world?
429. People in your class or generally in your life tend to look different based on where their families are from in the world. Do you know where your family is from originally? If so, go into as much detail as possible. If not, imagine the country your relatives came from and how your family ended up where they are today.
430. There are many different animals throughout the world, depending on how warm or cold the weather is in a particular place. What are some of the animals that you would never find in your backyard? Why do you think they would never live near you?
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Use the above prompts or article as inspiration to write a story or other short piece.