5th Grade Writing Prompts #2: 
Social Studies

This collection of 10 free 5th grade writing prompts takes a look back at the world of the past along with certain factors about the world today. Social studies include such subjects of geography, history, sociology and archaeology that can be extremely interesting to our intrepid young students. Take advantage of that interest to increase their love of writing!

You may notice that the numbers on this page do not start at 1 and work their way up. This is because these 10 5th grade writing prompts are an excerpt from my book, 500 Writing Prompts for Kids: First Grade through Fifth Grade. If you like these free samples, the full version is available in both digital and paperback form. 

5th Grade Writing Prompts #2: Social Studies

231. If you were the President of the United States (or the leader of your country if outside the U.S.) what do you think you would do to change your country for the better? Who would your top advisors be? How would you deal with all the tough problems?

232. Throughout history there have been thousands of men and women who have done amazing things and we study their lives to this very day. Who is your favorite person you’ve learned about in history studies and why? Are there any ways that this person is like you?

233. There are many different cultures in the world that are different from your own. What are three other cultures that you know of and what are some of their traditions? Do you think you would enjoy living with one of those cultures for a month?

234. Imagine that you are on an archaeological dig (essentially, a bunch of people looking for old stuff in the ground) and you come upon an amazing discover. What is it and what do you do when you become famous for the discovery?

235. Sociology is the study of how people interact in society. If you imagined your school as a tiny little society, how would you describe how it works? Are there certain groups? Are some people nice and are some people mean? How do you and your friends fit into this society?

236. The federal government of the United States makes various laws meant to ensure that all people all treated fairly and equally. If you had the ability to create laws at your school what would they be and why? Do you think that everybody would like these laws?

237. What is the most historical place that you’ve ever been? Some examples of historical places include museums, monuments and famous locations (like the field of the Battle of Gettysburg). Talk about how this place affected you and if there are any historical places you’d like to go in the future.

238. Imagine that one of your ancestors (like your great-great-great grandmother) was somebody very important and famous. Tell the story of this person from your family and what made them such a national treasure.

239. Geography is a part of social studies and it involves the study of the Earth including maps. If you looked at a map of your town from 200 years ago, how would it be different? Describe at least five differences. What would a person from 200 years ago have to say about a map of the town in the present day?

240. If your class had to pick a class president for your grade or school, who do you think would make a good candidate and why? What would some of the responsibilities of this position be? Do you think this person would get enough votes (a majority) to win the election? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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