A technology that feel that i couldn't live without

1. Talk about one technology that you feel as though you could never live without. Is it television? Text messaging? The game Pong? Detail your obsession with this technology and write about a week in which it is taken away from you.

2. A technology that I think I couldn’t live without my cell phone. An the reasons I think cant live without my cell phone because when I go places an my mother drop me off I feel like I cant be stranded an another reason is because I have to keep in touch with people and I think that texting is just the easy way of staying in contact with people

First off the most important reason I feel like I could never live without my cell phone is because my mother is all ways busy. An when she take me places an leave me I feel as though I need to get in contact with her. Because if I don’t keep reminding her sometimes she act ask if she had even forgot that she dropped me off somewhere. An not alone that she sometimes forget about me but she makes me sit there for hours so I feel as if I have my cell phone I don’t have those kind of problems as often.

Also another reason that I cant live without my cell phone is because I ate talking on the phone. But I can text message people all day. An also stay in contact with all of my cousins because we couldn’t stay in contact that well because they stay so far away. An by them living in Texas an Mexico an far places like that it charged to much for them to call an my mom was all ways complaining about the bill so now that I have a cell phone I can talk to them whenever I want to.

In conclusion now you know why I feel like I cant like with out my cell phone once again because I hate being stranded an I can also stay in better contact with my friends an family and that’s why I think that my cell phone is the most important technology that I can't live without.

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