Birthday Changes

by Emily
(Los Angeles, CA)

For my 25th birthday next summer, I am planning a trip to a place I hve always wanted to go and a place that holds plenty of family history I have yet to tap into: Boston. Both side of my family are from Boston and I have never been there myself. I chose to go for my milestone birthday because I am a big Boston Red Sox fan and have always dreamt of going to a game. We found out that the week of my birthday, the Red Sox will be playing the New York Yankees, their biggest rival at home in Fenway Park.

That is when I knew I was meant to take this trip for my birthday. My family is coming along and I can't wait to see all the houses and places my relatives grew up in. I also would like to visit places like Martha's Vineyard and the Freedom Trail. When I turn 25, I want this birthday to symbolize me finding myself and doing things I have always wanted to do. I thought it would be years and years before Id see a Yankee game in Boston as it was on my Bucket List. I feel 25 will bring more and more responsibity as that same week I will be ending job and hopefully starting a new one. With that job I would like to become cemented in a type of career in the non profit world and would like to start building a strong resume. I can't wait to start this journey!

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