Review: Blank Postcards on Teachers Pay Teachers

Blank Postcards is a template available for free download on Teachers Pay Teachers. The template provides black/white and full color postcard templates for use in the classroom as an activity or as part of a writing center. There are two types of templates – a big postcard and a small one. The big postcard is a full 8.5x11 page, and the smaller ones are quarter-sheets. There’s a black/white and a color page for each size. The templates are designed as a resource and there is no prescribed assignment in the downlaod itself.

Ostensibly the postcards are for writing activities, but the potential applications for the postcard templates are boundless. Students can pass the time writing postcards at the writing center, sure, but teachers could also spin all sorts of creative writing and creative nonfiction assignments from this little template. Because it looks like a real postcard, with the “picture” side blank, teachers could incorporate a visual element as well – including visually oriented writing activities, like an acrostic poem or even shape writing! It wouldn’t take long to come up with several ideas for using these postcards.

A neat extension could be to mail these postcards to a real destination – perhaps a student’s home, a pen pal, or another relevant destination. There are potential cross-curriculum applications here, as well, including anything from geography to math. Printing the template on a thicker paper or cardstock should be sufficient to get a set of mail-worthy postcards.

You can download your own copy of Blank Postcards here.

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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