Bought your book .. 1000 prompts

by Barbara
(Rockingham, NC, USA)

Thanks for the list of great prompts. Brain needs to download just like computers do .. or it gets sluggish, stopped up, needing a plumber. You have found the right plunger for the unclogging of pent up emotions, buried sorrows, hidden fears, locked up secrets, all those things psychiatrists and psychologists charge big bucks to find.

But you also have provided little tricks to open the windows and doors of the mind to allow the reader to remember the smell of the high school orchid on her wrist that her father gave her since she was too young to have a fella pick her up, or that song she slow danced to at her middle grades graduation party even though his and her mothers were watching closely. So many wonderful past experiences, thoughts, worries, anticipations, and any other click of a switch, you have placed in a writer's path.

It's just so hard to find time to do the actual downloading, too much time to write each of those lifechanging items, too many demands on one's daily schedule, but certainly worth the final outcome, IF one takes that time.

I enjoyed reading the many prompts and had to remember that I was just reading, not ready to start writing myself, so that I could finish from page one to the end. But I feel this will be a great asset to anyone who needs a little or a lot of encouragement to start or continue writing.

After all, there's a novel in each of us, and many short stories in each person we meet.


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