Free Character Writing Prompts #54: Partiers

The party never stops for these creative writing prompts about the constant celebrators known as partiers. The partiers are the ones who can't help but go a little bit overboard whenever they're at a bar or a friend's celebration. They are the first ones to go for the hard liquor, the first ones on the dance floor and typically, they're the first ones that get your group kicked out. Even when a hangout is not intended to be a party, they do the best they can to make it more festive with more alcohol, drugs and bawdy chatter and actions. The partiers seem like they're having more fun than everybody else, but it always makes you wonder if they are as happy with their wild behavior as they say they are. 

Free Character Writing Prompts #54: Partiers

1. He wasn't interested in your name or what you did for a living. He only wanted to know if you could drink or dance. If you couldn't, you were really no good to him. He lived for being with as many different people as possible from week to week. He couldn't stand the idea of settling down and having time to actually think about his life or what he was doing with it. The combination of being alcohol-soaked and listening to loud music all of the time was exactly what he wanted to shut down his internal monologue. It worked for the most part, but for a few moments every morning, he couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing with your life?" Why is he so intent on keeping himself from thinking and making sure his life is wild and crazy?

2. His philosophy was that if he remembered what happened the previous night, he obviously didn't party hard enough. He was obsessed with drinking when he came to a party and he loved trying to drink other guests under the table. He had won more one-on-one shot battles and beer pong tournaments than anyone he knew and he felt they were some of his greatest achievements, even if he had blacked out and forgotten some of them. He thought he was a much more interesting and attractive person when he was completely wasted and that was often how he thought of himself. Would his party life and identity change much when he has to get a more intense job after college?

3. She was quiet, mousy even, until she got about a dozen beers in her, at which time she became the life of the party. Her friends and acquaintances were amazed at how much her personality changed from the beginning of a party to the end of a party. There wasn't a large window between when she went absolutely wild and needed to be taken home and put to bed, but during that window she had done some ridiculous things. She'd been arrested on multiple occasions for various offenses and she'd even bedded several celebrities. It certainly makes her job as a librarian pale in comparison to her alter-party ego. What are some other crazy things she's done at parties?

4. You thought it was awesome that you were dating someone who was incredibly fun for once. You met her at a party and she seemed like the most energetic and sexual person you'd ever met. After a few months together, you met up with her at a party and were surprised to see her hanging all over every guy there. When you talked about it to her afterwards, she apologized but said that was just how she was at parties. The next time you met up with her after she'd been partying, you spied her dancing all up on this guy you knew had the hots for her. What goes through this party animal's mind when she starts to get intoxicated at a party?

5. He was far and away the most social person his friends knew. Party hopping was less of a weekly activity and more of a daily task for him to keep up with all of the people he knew and loved. That's why it always surprised his pals that he rarely drank anything but water. He usually said he was driving or he was too busy the next day, but it was a thing as constant as his name replying yes on a Facebook invitation. This was especially surprising because he was so full of energy and jokes no matter where he went, despite his low blood alcohol content. They all supposed he was just born that way. Why does he feel such a need to attend as many events as possible?

6. A brilliant mind when it came to particle physics, and he could be found publishing papers and giving lectures more than people twice his age. He had to work hard and to counterbalance it, he played just as hard. He and some of his academic friends went on some wild adventures and had a habit of waking up in places far away from where they started the night. They'd ended up in Vegas, Los Angeles and Maui without remembering how they got there. Usually, this genius had absolutely no problem getting back to his conferences and his research on time, but there were several times he cut it very close. Describe one of these crazy adventures taken by the post-doc and his friends.

7. She loved throwing parties because she loved people more than anything else. After all, how could she not be completely head over heels for her friends who took care after her after she got too drunk to stand at almost every party she threw. Her friends couldn't believe how much a perfect record she had, because at least one of them had to tend to her at every single party no matter how low key. At one party, she'd even had alcohol poisoning and had to be taken to the hospital. She rated that one of the top parties she'd ever thrown. What is it that causes this party thrower to think it's OK to become so helplessly drunk?

8. While she was an avid partier, she refused to attend events that weren't unique or fancy in some way. She would no longer attend keggers or run-of-the-mill festivities. She wanted to dress up or to be transported to some magical realm with an amazing theme. She wanted each party she attended to be an experience because her life was relatively boring during the day. Why should her parties be the same, she thought to herself. By seeking out some of the stranger events her city had to offer, she'd met some strange people and gone to some unusual hideaways. What is it about these occasions that make her feel more alive?

9. When he made over $100 million from selling his booming business, he wasn't sure what he wanted to do with his time. When a party featuring celebrities and friends turned into an all-weekend affair, he decided that he wanted to keep the festivities going as long as possible. By the time the original party had ceased, two weeks and over a million bucks had been spent. This was the bender to end all benders and the now-retired business man never wanted the good times to stop. A few of his friends were worried that he was getting into things too deep, but then again, it had only been a couple of weeks. How long will this new millionaire keep his wild streak alive before he settles into his next project?

10. It was somewhat ironic that she had a day job so different from the hardcore, moshing-filled events she attended on a weekly basis. During the day, she would plan the most elegant engagements, from weddings to upscale Bar Mitzvahs with everything in between. At night, she would put in her piercings, take off her tattoo-covering makeup and put on her leather. She was a punk rocker through and through and she loved her action-packed night-owl lifestyle. She was never sure who the real her was, if it was the party-planning maven of the day or the party-enjoying wild woman at night. Will she continue to live this double life or choose one of the two sides? 

Did you enjoy these character writing prompts? Buy the full book of 1,000 Character Writing Prompts on Amazon! 

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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