Free Character Writing Prompts #52:
Sports Fans

Here are 10 character writing prompts about sports fans that are worth cheering about! Being from Philadelphia, I know a thing or two about sports fans. I mean, fans from Philadelphia are famous for booing Santa Claus and Beyonce. While many fans of football, basketball and baseball are thought to be drunken and crazy, there are some who are simply in it for the love of the game and follow every statistic, trade and piece of news about their respective franchise. Professional and college sports are billion dollar industries because there are so many people in love with one or multiple games. If you aren't a sports fan yourself, it can be tough to understand their psyche, but I will do my best with these 10 die hard fans. 

Free Character Writing Prompts #52: Sports Fans

1. He seemed like your typical mild-mannered hard-working cubicle jockey who would come to work, go home and then repeat the process. What most of his co-workers didn't know, however, was that the second he loosened the tie he lived, breathed and ate sports 24/7. Upon exiting the workplace, he would bust out his phone and check on injury reports, commentator analyses and expert podcasts to learn as much as he could about his favorite teams' chances the next game. He had season tickets to all of his teams, a tradition his parents had passed down to him and he attended as many games as possible. Mild was the opposite of how you'd describe him when he watched a game and he would often come into work hoarse the following day. What is it about sports that makes this fan so involved during his leisure time?

2. This man was particularly blue on Sundays, mostly because he was always covered in paint when he visited his beloved football team. He was a large and in charge kind of fellow and his wild personality plus the fact that he wore nothing on his top half other than paint frequently got him onto television. When the fans in the stands were getting quiet, he would start a chant that would typically spread throughout the stadium. He had so much energy and pizzazz that the team even hired him for a team video that would air before every game. While many fans don't have an impact on a team's performance, this super fan did in a big way. How does he endure the cold of winter when protected solely by a thin layer of blue?

3. When you first met her at a sports bar, you assumed she was there for the great burgers and the camaraderie of her alma mater. You were wrong. When you casually brought up sports one time, it was the only thing the two of you would ever talk about for the rest of your relationship. Every time you saw her, she would bring up obscure head-to-head stats or the details of some kind of play the team should run for their best chances of success. She seemingly knew everything about the background of every player and while you were impressed, you were surprised to find that she had absolutely nothing else to say about any other topic. How did she get so into the details of sports, what is her favorite team and why?

4. Throughout most of her cheerleading career, it seemed like her peers were either looking for something to do that would attract the opposite sex or later in life, as something to do to earn money for looking pretty. She was always in it to root for her team. She was naturally gifted as a dancer and an athlete and he ability to flip and jump and groove fit perfectly with the more competitive aspects of cheerleading. She loved the high school and college athletic teams she cheered for and when she had to pass an aptitude test to be a cheerleader for a professional team, she received the highest score ever. What are some other ways she defies expectation as a professional cheerleader?

5. In every arena he went to, he was the loudest fan present by far. It didn't matter if it was something as small as little league softball or as large as the Super Bowl. He went to as many events as he could and he was the most attention grabbing loudmouth at all of them. He'd been kicked out of a few events small and large alike when his temper got the best of him, but he never intended on changing his ways in the slightest. When a team he loved was doing well, he was the perfect embodiment of pride. When they weren't doing well, that's when you had to watch out for his tongue and his right hook. Why is he so emotional when it comes to watching sports?

6. As a father of three girls who were into ballet and theater, he felt like an outcast in his own home. His wife let him convert the garage into a man cave of sorts and he invited all his guy friends over as often as he could to watch the big games. He loved drinking and cheering for his favorite squads on the weekends, because during the week he was surrounded by the color pink and female conversation. Whenever he felt like he was losing his edge, he went on a hunting or fishing trip, but it was tough, because he loved his family so much and wanted to be there for them at all times. How does he deal with this love for sports and his world of women?

7. A former college athlete, she was a large supporter of women's sports at all levels. She would frequently corral her less interested friends to WNBA games, college softball tournaments and other related events to show her support. She wished that this equally competitive side of her favorite sports would get even half the attention of their male counterparts. She even coached a woman's soccer team on the weekends in order to instill this excitement in the youngest of sports fans. Some people who didn't know her well labeled her butch or a lesbian because of her propensity to watch these sports, but she just wrote them off as ill-informed. What are some of the other ways in which she supports women's athletics?

8. For the most part, sports didn't play a large part in her life. Until college basketball season rolled around. She knew the players and coaches names and she would shout them at the top of her lungs when a play was unfolding. One could say that she didn't know much about the intricacies of the game, but nobody could say that that made her less of a die hard fan. She had all the merchandise and could tell you what her team was ranked. When tournament time came around, she was all over the bracket and filled out as many online and paper ones as she could. How does a day in her life differ between one in June and one in March?

9. He wasn't what you'd call your typical sports fan. He hung out in gay bars as opposed to sports bars. The kind of drag he preferred certainly wasn't drag racing, unless RuPaul was involved. That being said, he was intrigued by certain sports and watched them as often as he could. He loved watching ice hockey and was extremely excited by the quick pace and the physical contact. He enjoyed chilling out on a Sunday and taking in a round of golf. Most of his friends didn't understand his fascination with these and other activities, but they didn't look down on him for it. What made him so intrigued by sports while most of his friends shied away?

10. At first, she was a sports fan by association. Her husband and her sons were so into certain sports that she couldn't help but be drawn in. She used to just create them elaborate snacks, using her supreme cooking abilities, but eventually she just ordered in so that she could watch every minute of these fascinating events. She had loved dancing as a child, both participating in it and watching it. Almost all of the sports had movements that were similar and while most had a bit more contact, she enjoyed watching the "dance of the game" as she called it. How does she react when her "men" try to kick her out of the room so they can have their "men time?" 

Did you enjoy these character writing prompts? Buy the full book of 1,000 Character Writing Prompts on Amazon! 

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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