Free Character Writing Prompts #67:

Even though these character writing prompts are free of animal products, you're bound to enjoy these vegan treats of character goodness. Vegans are often portrayed as granola chomping hippies in stories, when there are actually many different types of vegans who chose the lifestyle for many different reasons. Sure, there are some who are choosing veganism to avoid the harming of animals, but others have been placed on the diet by a doctor or spouse and crave meat every single day. There are others who are trying the lifestyle out to see if it leads to health or spiritual benefits. With the proliferation of the vegan brand with stores like Trader Joe's and Whole Foods Market, vegans are here to stay and even if they aren't hardcore hippies, they should be well represented in our stories. 

Free Character Writing Prompts #67: Vegans

1. His parents had always known him as the kind of son who would always project his beliefs onto others. When he found out about causes such as wasting water and recycling, he would whip the entire house into shape to make sure they were doing the best to conserve the world. When an election would be in the news, he would ask his parents hundreds of questions about why they were picking a particular candidate. They loved him and wanted to encourage his free thought. When he tried to force them to be vegans, however, that's when they drew the line. How did he try to convince his parents to change over to a vegan lifestyle?

2. When he started having major health problems that the doctors couldn't make heads or tails of, he embarked on a quest to rid himself of his illness. He tried a different exercise routine and he made the effort to get a full night's sleep every night. It wasn't until he became a vegan, however, that his health really began to take a turn for the better. He knew that it wasn't meat and animal products that made him sick in the first place, but for some reason, cutting them out of his life returned him to normal health within a few months. He decided to keep up this lifestyle for the rest of his life, since it was what made him well and made him feel much better than he did as a meat eater. What were some of his challenges in becoming a vegan?

3. She had decided pretty early on in life that meat was murder and that she wouldn't be taking part in any animal products. That being said, she didn't want to join an initiative or anything, she was simply stating personal preference. Other than her veganism, she led a relatively normal life. She worked in an office from 9 to 5. She was dating a normal meat-eating guy who seemed to be perfectly fine with her lifestyle choice. She even went out and played sports and befriended plenty of people who didn't feel the same way she did about meat being fair game. Has she ever gotten into any awkward situations as a result of her vegan lifestyle?

4. She'd always been a little bit counterculture. She looked right at home in the hipper parts of town with her tattoos and piercings. When she applied for a job at a vegan bakery, she worried that being a meat-eater would disqualify her. When it didn't, she was surrounded by vegan delicacies from morning until nighttime and found that she actually liked them better than cakes with eggs and dairy. After a few months, she tried to go full on vegan for a week and she never went back. Now her job became like her vegan sanctuary in which she knew the special tricks of the trade to keep veganism a part of her life. Even when she later moved on from the job, she would always come back for a sort of vegan worshipping ritual. What are some of the difficulties she ran into when she became vegan?

5. When he was young, he saw a video of a slaughterhouse in action that changed his life. From that point forward, he could no longer eat meat without becoming violently ill. In addition, he couldn't watch other people eat meat without having a similar guttural reaction. During college he became something of an anti-meat activist, pushing for stricter regulations on animal slaughter and trying to convert as many people over to his way of thinking as possible. He even once hijacked a kids movie in a theater and replaced it with a slaughterhouse video. He never got caught and it was one of his proudest moments. What are some other causes that he believes in?

6. He was a real genuine hippie in the 1960's. He preached flower power and peace not war to the masses and he loved every minute of it. As he grew up, he still kept that hippie sensibility as he became an environmental lawyer. On a trip to a new Whole Foods Market around the corner from his house, he found out much more about the vegan movement and gave it a try. After all, if it had been that easy to go vegan in his hippie days he might have tried it. There he was, a middle-aged man, jumping on the vegan bandwagon, and he loved it. In what ways have this new vegan lifestyle reminded him of his hippie days?

7. Truth be told, she loved meat and hated being a vegan. She wanted to fit in as much as possible with the love of her life and that love was a major vegan through and through. She agreed to try veganism and she absolutely hated it, but she couldn't stand to disappoint the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. So, she lied. Her friends told her that she should sneak some meat in every once in a while but that wasn't the kind of person she was. She was more honest than Abe Lincoln and if she was going to say she would be a vegan, she would most certainly be one. That didn't mean she had to like it though. Will she ever tell her partner about her vegan dislike?

8. She was beyond health conscious, she was health self-conscious. Whenever she heard a major health trend, she would force her husband and her children into it without giving them much of a choice. When she decided to be vegan, she went all in, trashing all of the animal products in the house and buying primarily vegan foods. She would only pack her kids vegan lunches and she wouldn't cook any dinner if it wasn't a vegan dinner. Her family hoped that this was some kind of phase that would blow over like the rest of her healthy choices. After three months of being forced into veganism, her family members staged a vegan intervention. What was the result of this anti-vegan family protest?

9. He was the kind of guy who always liked a challenge. His ran a very popular blog showcasing his many attempts to do a 30 day challenge of one goal or another. He'd run a marathon distance each day for 30 days. He'd donated five hours of his time to charity each day for a month straight. Trying out veganism was another one of these 30 day trials for him, but at the end of it he felt so good that he decided to keep it going for an entire year. He felt more energetic and cleaner somehow when he didn't eat any animal products whatsoever. He began advertising for vegan organizations on his site and really took up a torch for the cause. What are some other ways veganism has affected this challenging man?

10. Her parents had no idea why she gravitated toward a vegan lifestyle. She refused to eat anything besides vegan products early on. They figured it was simply coincidental that she wouldn't eat non-vegan foods, but as she grew up, the trend seemed just too perfect to be coincidental. By the age of 10, she wasn't only completely vegan, but was one of the lifestyle's youngest advocates. She posted YouTube videos about her beliefs that veganism was the only way to go and they went viral. She became a spokesperson for multiple vegan organizations by virtue of her being so cute while talking about it. What her parents thought was a phase turned out to be a calling for their daughter. What was it about vegan products that drew her in when she was so young? 

Did you enjoy these character writing prompts? Buy the full book of 1,000 Character Writing Prompts on Amazon! 

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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