281. Would you ever consider giving one of your X-Mas gifts to a kid less fortunate than you and your family? Why or why not?
282. Why do you think it is that so many places are closed for business on X-Mas? What do you think might be some of the places that remain open?
283. Imagine that you and your family have set up the largest X-Mas tree display in the entire world. How big would it be? What would people think when they come to see this massive evergreen?
284. Imagine that you had a conversation with an ornament on your X-Mas tree. What stories might the ornament have to tell about you and your family? Would any of the ornament's stories surprise you? Why?
285. Describe a snowy X-Mas morning both inside and outside your house. Make sure to include as many details as possible about the snow itself.
286. Imagine if Santa's reindeer could talk just like humans. Write down a possible dialogue between two of the reindeer before their long journey on Christmas Eve.
287. Write a real or made-up story about a trip to see Santa Claus at the local mall. What was the experience like and what are the things you'll remember the most about the experience?
288. You and your family have run out of wrapping paper and all the stores are closed! What do you use to wrap your presents? How do your friends and extended family members react upon seeing your last-second replacement paper?
289. There are so many amazing X-Mas treats, like cookies and candy canes, that are perfect for sweet snacking. What is your favorite Christmas treat and why do you like it so much?
290. During a walk around the block, you have stumbled upon a bottomless bag of presents with an unlimited number of gifts inside. What will you do with this powerful sack? Why?
Use the above prompts or article as inspiration to write a story or other short piece.