Christmas Writing Prompts #5

Here are 10 Christmas writing prompts you can use to ring in the holiday with your classroom or your own personal journal. If you enjoyed these prompts, buy the entire collection of 1,000 Writing Prompts for Holidays on Amazon.

311. Imagine that you have been given the task to decorate the X-Mas tree exactly how you want. What ornaments, lights, and other decorations will you use? What would your family or friends think about your decorative style?

312. What is your opinion on the tradition of mistletoe and kissing? Do you think it's unfair, strange, fun, or something else entirely? Why?

313. Describe the most beautifully wrapped present you've ever seen. Detail every aspect of the outside of it, along with its weight and what you think is inside.

314. Several hundred years ago, X-Mas as it's celebrated today didn't exist. Santa was even thought to have a flying horse instead of reindeer. What do you think changed the holiday into what it is today? Why?

315. Create a conversation between two neighboring houses that are covered in lights on X-Mas Eve. How do the lights make them feel and are they excited about the upcoming holiday?

316. One of the big traditions of X-Mas is the creation of a nativity scene. Describe the most memorable nativity scene you can think of. Why do you think that depiction in particular was the one that stuck with you?

317. The X-Mas season is one of the biggest shopping periods of the entire year. Imagine that you won a contest to go on a X-Mas shopping spree. What would you buy and why?

318. Imagine that three wise men knocked on your door and stayed with your family to eat dinner. What would the wise men and your family talk about? Where would these three brilliant wanderers be off to and why?

319. Create a X-Mas song that details how you and your family celebrate Christmas. The song can be funny or serious and go to any tune you can think of.

320. You have been hired by one of the biggest greeting company in the world to come up with some funny X-Mas card ideas. What are some of your ideas? Why do you think they're hilarious?

Did you enjoy these holiday writing prompts? Buy a book full of holiday writing prompts today!

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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