Christmas Creative Writing Ideas

The Christmas season is a wonderful time to utilize this list of Christmas creative writing ideas. There are so many different aspects about this holiday that can inspire creativity. I've tried to play on things like the music, the gifts, the food and the global impact of such a festive occasion. Feel free to alter any of these prompts to better fit your students, your children or yourself!

Christmas Creative Writing Ideas

1. Some people have the tradition of sending a letter to all of their family members reporting on some of the major events of the year. Write a letter recounting the major good and bad things that have happened to you that your family might be interested in hearing.

2. How would you best explain Christmas to someone who has never experienced the holiday in the United States? Create a dialogue between you and the Christmas stranger in which you answer all of his or her questions.

3. There are those who believe in Santa Claus and those who absolutely don't. Imagine and construct a debate between two children who think differently on the issue. Who wins the debate and why?

4. Christmas is typically associated with cold weather and occasionally even snow. How would Christmas be different for you and your family if you were instead on a tropical island during the occasion? Write a detailed story about the situation.

5. Hallmark and other greeting card companies save some of their best poetry and sayings for their Christmas cards. Create several poems that would work well in greeting cards for the holiday season. They can be serious, funny, silly or any other tone you'd like.

6. As your parents put the finishing touches on the final light in their massive from yard display, a circuit shorts and knocks out all of the power on your block for Christmas eve. Write a story about what happens next.

7. Write a story treatment for a sequel to one of your favorite Christmas movies. Include which characters will be returning, the new ones that will be introduced and where the story will be set.

8. As you open a mystery gift from underneath your tree on Christmas morning, you find a clue inside with a riddle. The riddle insinuates that it will lead you to the greatest gift of all. Write a story in which you and your family attempt to solve the riddles and find the present. Make sure to include some clever Christmas riddles.

9. On Christmas Eve, you hear a loud thump and you look outside your window. It seems that one of the Santa's reindeer has become separated from the pack and its up to you to help. Create a tale in which you steer the reindeer back in the right direction.

10. There are many people who are unable to see their families on Christmas because they are serving their country or because they have jobs that keep them in separate cities. Imagine that you were one of these people and how you might feel. Create a letter you might write to your family if you were in such a situation.

I hope you loved these Christmas creative writing ideas as much as I enjoyed creating them for you! If you would like more than just Christmas writing prompts, check out my book, 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts for all of your other idea-generating needs. Have a fantastic holiday season! 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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