If the information on this site helps you and you'd like to make a donation to Bryan Cohen at Build Creative Writing Ideas, please use one of the options below. The amount you donate is entirely up to you.
Why donate? Bryan wants to spend his time directly helping people by creating new blog posts and articles; by speaking to groups; and by holding creativity workshops -- in order to help people enjoy the balanced life they crave. If you want to support Bryan in his mission to get people to live up to their creative potential, please make a contribution. Any amount is appreciated.
To make a donation via PayPal, credit card, or e-check, please click the button below:
To send a donation via check, money order, or cash, please use the following mailing address:
Bryan Cohen
929 W. Cornelia Ave., Apt. 1A
Chicago, IL 60657
Please make checks payable to "Bryan Cohen"
For a Limited Time Only: Donation Gifts
$1 gets you a personalized writing prompt
$5 gets you 8 personalized writing prompts
$10 gets you 20 personalized writing prompts
$20 gets you 1 hour of writing coaching and 20 prompts
$40 gets you 2.5 hours of writing coaching and 20 prompts!
Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on Google+ and Facebook.
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