Early morning start equals more time to get work done

by Andre Davis
(Mount Vernon, NY USA)

Waking up with a purpose or goal in mind for the early morning is a good first step, because if you are striving to get something done then you will be self motivated as opposed to just looking forward to trudging toward the bathroom to wash up. Not to mention, waking up early gives you a lot more time to do some things you've been putting off, like starting that paper that's due soon in college or finalizing that presentation before work.

I can see setting several alarms as a means of forcing oneself to get up even though that early in the morning, no one wants to. I often find myself setting one alarm clock, and turning it off when it sounds then getting back in bed. Setting several alarms and putting them in different places through out the room would have me turning off so many alarms I'd have no choice but to begin my day, and the less procrastinating, the more productivity.

I find myself falling victim to the perpetual cycle of caffeine dependence and find that the more tolerant I get, the more cups of coffee I need to get going in the morning. Not only would fruits, nuts and exercise get me off of my addiction, but I won't fall prey to the dreaded crash that occurs after the effects of several cups of coffee wear off, and I'll be in better shape which will help me get that much more work done in my day.

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