751. What aspects of the Earth are most important to you and why? Which of those could be threatened if we don't take good enough care of our planet? Why?
752. Imagine that you have come up with an anti-pollution device that would immediately solve a good portion of the world's issues with air pollution. How would the invention work, how would the world put it to good use, and what would be the result?
753. Short of coming up with a miraculous invention, what are some of the things the world needs to do to make sure it stays green as opposed to dark with pollution? What are the obstacles that might hold people back from lending a hand? Why?
754. You have been asked to put together an anti-trash squad in your town. What materials would you need, which people would you recruit, and how would you most effectively get things done? How successful would your squad be at cleaning up the streets? Why?
755. Imagine that the world was so polluted you actually needed to wear a mask whenever you left your house. What activities might you not be able to do in such a dirty existence? How might it affect your friendships, sports teams and your family?
756. Why are plants such an important part of the earth's ecosystem? What are some ways in which you can help the plant-life in your town? How might your efforts end up making a difference?
757. You have developed a new, unlimited energy source that can be used in place of coal, oil, and natural gas. The fuel is safe for the environment and could change the planet drastically. In what ways would your new energy source help the world? Why might some people be resistant to using this helpful innovation?
758. You and a group of friends have set a goal to plant one million trees over the next 25 years. How would you go about enacting this ambitious plan? What might result from all of your hard efforts?
759. Imagine that you had to give a speech to a group of company presidents to convince them to improve their companies' environmental practices. What might you say to them, how might they react, and what would be the end result?
760. Earth has been completely used up and the human population needs to escape to find another world. What would it be like to pack everything up into a spaceship and search for a new planet with the capability for water, plants, and humans? What would be the most difficult parts and why?Use the above prompts or article as inspiration to write a story or other short piece.