Elementary Writing Prompts

You have just stumbled upon a website with over 500 elementary writing prompts: below you will find a sampling of 10 of them. These primary writing prompts focus on a topic that children and students love to talk about and will love to write about: their favorite things. While us adults tend to be frequently concerned with what bugs us, kids can talk for hours about their preferred movies, toys and games. Elementary school students from first through fifth (and beyond) may be able to write a novel's worth of words on these, their most beloved objects.

Elementary Writing Prompts

1. If there was a song you could listen to every day before, after and during school, what would it be and why? How would you feel if you were able to go to a concert and hear the song played live by the band itself? What are some of the things you like about the song?

2. What is your favorite holiday memory? Who was there and what were you and your family doing that made it so fun? What, if anything, could have happened to make it even better?

3. Imagine that you and your class are going on vacation. Where would you want to go if you had the choice and why? What kind of clothes would you have to wear and what important items would you have to pack in your suitcase?

4. You and your family have been stuck on a desert island and you have three possessions with you to keep you entertained. What are the three possessions you choose and why? Describe your typical day on the island as you wait to be rescued.

5. After stumbling upon a magic box, you have found out that your family has magical powers and can change you into an animal whenever you want. What kind of animal would you want to be and why? What would your conversations with the other animals be like?

6. For your birthday, you get to choose to have a party at your favorite place. Where would you choose and why? What kind of activities would you and your friends do while you were there?

7. You and your family have won a worldwide contest and you now have the chance to meet your favorite celebrity! Who is your favorite celebrity and what would it be like to meet him or her? What kind of questions would you ask when you had the chance?

8. The things we like the most tend to change as we get older. For example, a toy you liked in preschool might be much different than a toy you like in third grade. What was your favorite toy each year of your life and do you ever miss playing with your toys from the past?

9. Imagine that you have been transported back in time 75 years before television and the Internet. What is your favorite thing to do that doesn't involve electronics? How would you keep yourself otherwise entertained so long in the past?

10. What is the coolest thing you've ever read? What made it so good and how would you convince someone you know to try reading it? 

Thank you so much for taking a look at this elementary writing prompts. I hope that you can use them in your classroom or home for your up and coming writers. If you are interested in a large number of primary writing prompts, check out my book, 500 Writing Prompts for Kids, which is available in paperback and Kindle format. 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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