Fall Holidays Writing Prompts

Here are 10 fall holidays prompts you can use to ring in the season with your classroom or your own personal journal. If you enjoyed these prompts, buy the entire collection of 1,000 Writing Prompts for Seasons on Amazon.

351. Halloween is a time for silly costumes and disguises. Imagine that you actually tried to be someone else for a day. What might your reasoning be for not being yourself? Would you be able to fool anybody? Why or why not?

352. During the time of Christopher Columbus, there were plenty of places left to be discovered. What are some careers nowadays that would still allow you to make a discovery (even if it isn't a new continent)? Which of those careers would you enjoy the most and why?

353. Thanksgiving is about eating food and giving thanks. What are some of the things you have to be thankful for this fall? What aspects of the season are you the most grateful for and why?

354. Every fall, we recognize the acts of bravery and heroism of our Armed Forces during Veterans Day. If you had to be away in a foreign country during Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the rest of the fall, what would you miss the most and why? Would it be worth it to serve as a protector of the nation? Why or why not?

355. While it's not often a holiday we celebrate, Election Day is a day the citizens of this nation use to select our representatives in the government. If you ran for President of the United States, what would be some of the things you'd promise as part of your platform? Do you think you'd have a good shot of winning? Why or why not?

356. A group of ghosts, ghouls, and witches have arrived at your door and all they want is a meal of all their fall favorites: turkey, apple cider and pumpkin pie. What do you all talk about as you sit around the table and eat? Which ghastly creature has the scariest story to tell and why?

357. You are a part of Christopher Columbus's famous crew during the first voyage to the West Indies. Describe what it might be like to spend several years away from home in search of glorious, new lands. What would you get homesick about and why?

358. What different foods would you eat during Thanksgiving if the holiday was in the summer and why? What are some of the aspects of Thanksgiving that fit perfectly with the fall and why?

359. At any given moment, there are thousands of people training to be a part of the Armed Forces. Would you ever consider a career with the Army, Navy, Air Force, or another branch of the military? Why or why not? Would any of your family members be more likely than you and why?

360. When Congress wants to pass a law, a certain amount of people need to agree on the bill before it can pass. What are some of the difficulties in getting other people to agree with you? If you had an idea for a law, do you think you'd be able to compromise with the ideas of the other party? Why or why not?

Did you enjoy these fall holidays writing prompts? Buy a book full of seasonal writing prompts today!

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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