Fall Taste and Touch
Writing Prompts

Here are 10 fall taste and touch writing prompts you can use to ring in the season with your classroom or your own personal journal. If you enjoyed these prompts, buy the entire collection of 1,000 Writing Prompts for Seasons on Amazon.

431. How does the taste of the first Halloween candy of the night taste differently from the last candy of the night? Why might the two taste different from each other even if they're the same type of candy? How much candy would you say is too much candy and why?

432. Eating some Halloween candies is a very tactile experience. Describe unwrapping several different kinds of candy and what goes into actually getting to the tasty treat itself. Which kind of candy do you most enjoy tearing into and why: a foil wrapper, a plastic wrapper, a paper wrapper, a paper package to tear into, or something else entirely?

433. Of all the Thanksgiving meals you've eaten, would you say one ranks the highest as far as taste is concerned? Why or why not? Of the cooks in your Thanksgiving kitchen, who is the best cook and why? What tips might you take from him or her to become a good cook on your own someday and why?

434. Imagine you had multiple Thanksgiving dishes lined up next to each other just to feel what it was like to touch them. The dishes include gravy, stuffing, Jell-O, and at least two others. Describe what each of them feels like on your hands. Which one might be the strangest sensation and why?

435. Describe the taste of a warm, spiced apple cider. Try to identify the different parts of the taste, such as what might be coming from the apples and what might be from other sources. How do you think the people who create the cider figure out their own blend of apples and spices?

436. To make a little extra money, you are helping out at the local apple orchard as a picker. How would you describe how the different kinds of apples feel as you pull them down? Is there a difference between picking apples for fun and picking apples as a job? Why or why not?

437. What are some of the food staples for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in your house during the fall? Are there any that you look forward to the rest of the year? Why or why not? Describe which meal tastes the best and why. How is that taste distinct from other foods and why?

438. Describe the difference your hands would feel from crumpling up a handful of wet leaves versus crumpling up a handful of dry leaves. What happens to the leaves and why? How do your hands feel after crushing both? Which would you rather dive into and why: a pile of wet leaves or a pile of dry leaves?

439. If you were a squirrel, you'd have a completely different diet from the one you have as a human. You'd eat nuts if you could find them and rummage through the trash if you couldn't. How do you think a squirrel's sense of taste differs from yours? In what ways are you more picky than a squirrel when it comes to what you'll eat and why?

440. Squirrels have the amazing ability to climb up trees and jump from branch to branch. If you were a squirrel, how do you think it would feel to grip the branches as you ran and leapt? What would your parents say if they saw you trying to run up a tree like a squirrel?

Did you enjoy these fall taste and touch writing prompts? Buy a book full of seasonal writing prompts today!

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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