341. As the season of Halloween, fall can be quite frightening. What is the most scared you've ever been? What caused it and how did you overcome your fear?
342. How do you think your fears will change as you get older? Will you be afraid of more or fewer things and why?
343. What are some of the sounds of fall? Why aren't these noises usually found during the summer or spring? How do these sounds make you feel when you hear them and why?
344. You have been hired to write and direct a Hollywood movie centered on fall and people falling in love. Who would star in it, where would you film it, and how successful do you think it would be?
345. You and your family are hosting a foreign exchange student who comes from a hot climate that doesn't experience much fall weather. What would it be like for him to see the leaves falling for the first time and why? Would he enjoy it? Why or why not?
346. What would fall be like if we lived in a world without trees and falling leaves? What else might be different about this strange world and why?
347. While trees have no more use for leaves in the fall, there are plenty of things that we can use them for. What are some uses for leaves to lighten your raking load? Which is your favorite use and why?
348. After a delivery mistake, there are 1,000 pumpkins sitting in your front yard. How will you and your family deal with all these pumpkins? Would you ever get sick of endless pumpkin pies and cheesecakes? Why or why not?
349. Imagine that every day of fall included a feast as big as Thanksgiving. What would happen to the fitness level of your family? Which Thanksgiving foods would you get sick of and why?
350. You have been handed a treasure map to the greatest fall treasure of all: a secret stash of the tastiest Thanksgiving recipes in existence. Who will you enlist to help you find the treasure? Describe your journey from beginning to end.
Use the above prompts or article as inspiration to write a story or other short piece.