921. What are some of the things a person has to learn before becoming a good father? Do you think most people learn those skills beforehand or do they figure it out as they go along? Why?
922. Who would you say is the world's most famous dad? How did this father become so well known? In what ways do you think this special dad celebrates the Father's Day holiday and why?
923. There's an old saying that goes, "father knows best." Where do you think the saying came from? Would you agree with that phrase? Do you think that your dad usually does know best? Why or why not?
924. What are some areas in which you'd say your dad is an expert? How did he come to learn this knowledge? What are some subjects that your dad knows nothing about? Have you ever taught your dad something? Why or why not?
925. What are some of your dad's favorites in the following areas: hobbies, books, television shows, movies, and songs. Have you ever tried out some of your dad's favorites? Did you enjoy them yourself? Why or why not?
926. How do your favorite things to do differ from your dad's? Would you say that you've been influenced to like or dislike something from him? Why or why not?
927. What are some accomplishments you've had that have made your dad the most proud? How does he usually react when he's proud of you? What are some things that you can do on Father's Day to make your dad proud of you?
928. Think about a time in which your dad bought or gave you something. What was it you needed and how did you ask him for it? How could you show your appreciation for what he gave you? What would his reaction be?
929. How would you rate your dad's skill levels at the following activities: singing, dancing, acting, joking, and weightlifting? Which do you think he's the best at and why? When you're an adult, do you think you'll be better or worse at these areas then him? Why?
930. What are some of the traits, habits and personality quirks that you've had passed down to you from your father? What other aspects of him would you like to inherit from him as you grow up and why?
Use the above prompts or article as inspiration to write a story or other short piece.