Fifth Grade Writing Prompts #7: Fame

For some reason, everybody seems to want a little bit of fame. That's why these 10 free fifth grade writing prompts focus on fame, famous people, reality stars, etc. Fame has become such a big deal in the YouTube age, that I figured it would be interesting to see what 5th graders would have to write about it.

You may notice that the numbers on this page do not start at 1 and work their way up. This is because these 10 fifth grade writing prompts are an excerpt from my book, 500 Writing Prompts for Kids: First Grade through Fifth Grade. If you like these free samples, the full version is available in both digitaland paperback form. 

Fifth Grade Writing Prompts #7: Fame

441. How do you think life would be different for you if you were a movie star or a world-famous musician? How would life be better and how do you think it would be worse? What would you do on your day off if you were so famous?

442. One of the major complaints of famous movie stars is that they are followed around by the paparazzi, who are the people with cameras that take pictures for papers and blogs. How would you deal with cameras following you around all day?

443. Imagine that you created a simple video to post online … and that it went completely viral with over a million hits! Before you know it, you are on the Today show and everybody is asking for an interview. What happens next?

444. If you had a choice of what you might become famous for, what would it be? Becoming a professional sports player? Writing the Great American Novel? Go into detail about how you’d get to that point and what you’d do once you became famous.

445. How do you think you would change if you became famous? Would you become more generous or would you have a hard time thinking of anyone but yourself? How would you be able to resist becoming self-centered and full of yourself?

446. Some people are so famous, talented and popular that they have more money than they previously imagined possible. What would you do if you had that much money?

447. While some people are famous for being talented like popular singers and actors, other people are famous for being on stupid reality television shows or for other somewhat stupid reasons. What is the difference between these talented people and these “famous” people?

448. Despite being famous and extremely wealthy, many stars tend to fall into financial trouble like owing millions of dollars in taxes or having to sell their mansions. How do you think these seemingly rich people fall into so much trouble?

449. Imagine that you have advanced to the final 12 of a talent-based reality show like a singing or dancing one. What would you do in an attempt to win? How would you handle the pressure and knowing that one wrong move could get you knocked out?

450. Some famous people make sure to use their fame for a good cause. What good cause might you use your fame for? Pick a cause that you feel passionate about and explain why you chose that one over other worthy causes. 

Done with Fifth Grade Writing Prompts? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts.

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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