Where to Find Inspiration
There are many different people, resources and places you can find inspiration from. Us creative types tend to find such a boost of imagination and will power from many different sectors. If you're having trouble finding said inspiration and your usual sources aren't giving you the typical boost, here are a few more ideas to get you moving in the right direction.
10. Find inspiration from a famous person in your industry. Research his or her story and try to model what you do at this point in your career after this amazing person.
9. Draw from the life of someone outside of your industry. Just because Eleanor Roosevelt never wrote a screenplay or Henry Ford wasn't into acting, doesn't mean you can look at the lives of some amazing people and turn their determination into your inspiration.
8. Read a book or article about your industry in an earlier generation. We tend to think there are so many barriers to us getting ahead in our field. Reading how difficult the people who came before you had it can inspire you to relish your current opportunities.
7. Read a popular book on self-help, personal development or life re-organization. People like to make fun of these kind of books at the same time that they are wishing their lives were better. These books include many powerful tips that can help you to be more productive and inspired.
6. Find inspiration from a friend. A lot of people have a tendency to be jealous of our friends who become famous or successful. Instead, ask your friend to chat with you some time about what he or she had to do to make it to the top. You may learn something you never knew about success by having such a get together.
5. Talk to someone working in your industry in your neck of the woods. It never hurts to get some practical tips from someone who had gone through the steps you need to take to move up the ladder. Perhaps said person may even be able to help you get a foot in the door.
4. Get inspiration from the world at large. Watch a beautiful sunset, go to a beach or take in a moonlit stroll and look at the world surrounding you. There are countless ways to take inspiration from all of the beautiful and horrible things there are to see.
3. Use your family's positive or negative feedback about your career to your advantage. If your family is supportive, draw from that support to bring yourself up when you're down. If your family is not supportive, push yourself harder to show them that you can still be successful despite their lack of faith.
2. Build on the relationship with your partner. Whether or not you are involved in a loving relationship with a partner right now, the love you received from that person can never truly die. It happened or is happening right now and you can use that emotion to drive you toward creating something amazing.
1. Find inspiration in a self-imposed challenge. If you create a goal for yourself that isn't easy to attain, you can draw from it to move yourself ahead in your field. If you look at this goal every day and push yourself harder and harder, you'll find yourself endlessly inspired.
Done with Where to Find Inspiration? Go back to Motivation Techniques.
Written by Bryan Cohen
Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on Google+ and Facebook.
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