Free Creative Writing Prompts #54: Beach

There is really nothing like the feeling of sand in between your toes as your feet are gently washed by the tide. These free creative writing prompts are focused on the experiences that you've had going to the beach. Some may have lived near the coast and traveled to the beach many times during their lives. Others of you may have only visited once or twice in your lifetimes. Either way, there is a certain way that you feel at the beach that you don't feel anywhere else. Sandy :). Being near a body of water and seeing the cycle of the tide come in and out is extremely cool and leads to many interesting sights and sounds that you can now write about here. Enjoy! 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Beach

1. You are standing on the edge of the sand right before your feet are hitting the water. You stare out into the ocean. Write a story about the many thoughts going through your head.

2. Write a story about a child building a sand castle and talking through the entire story of the medieval town he is creating. The king, the queen, the knights, and all the people inside are given personalities and backstories. Be as detailed as possible.

3. Imagine that you are a crab walking along on the ocean, trying to avoid all of the people while trying to get a bit of food from every passerby is a complicated job. Talk about a day in the life of Herbert J. Crab (or whatever your name is :)).

4. Talk about a sport that you've played on the beach, whether a simple game of catch or some kind of water football hybrid. Who did you play with and how did the game go? If you've never done this, make up a story about it.

5. A beautiful individual in a swimsuit comes up to you. This person asks you to rub lotion all over his or her back. You strike up a conversation. What do you guys talk about and does anything progress from there?

6. You are somehow inserted into the movie Jaws, and while swimming at Amity Island, a great white shark begins terrorizing the beach. How do you and your "movie family" react to this and does any harm come to any of you?

7. The opportunity has presented itself for you to re-enact the famous scene from the movie From Here to Eternity as you lay on the ocean with a beautiful partner kissing and letting the water wash over you. Describe the situation in great detail. Do you really keep kissing when salt water gets in your face? :)

8. What is the most beautiful beach that you've ever been to? Describe the entire scene thoroughly and explain why the beach was such a pretty sight to behold. If you have never been to an aesthetically pleasing beach, create a story in which you had.

9. Describe a late night walk on the beach with someone. What is it you talk about and what's it like hearing the waves crash on the sand and seeing the lights of the nearby building shining at you?

10. There could be no beach without the nearby boardwalk! What is your favorite boardwalk experience, whether it be the shops and restaurants you went to, the money you spent playing skeeball, or hitting on attractive people? Go into detail and if you don't have such an experience, make it up! 

One of my most memorable beach moments has to be that time on the boardwalk where I put twenty bucks into a rigged game on the boardwalk :). That being said, I hope that these free creative writing prompts about the beach can help you to use your past experiences (or beach fantasies) to create some fantastic writing. Feel free to use the space below to enter any of your prompts in if you wish to share them with the Build Creative Writing Ideas community. Happy writing! 

Bonus Prompt - What would be your perfect beach day? Describe the weather and the people you would be going with? Who would you see there and what activities would be occurring during your perfect stay? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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