Free Creative Writing Prompts #50: Celebrity

Once upon a time, I thought that I wanted to become a celebrity. I felt that I had the personality and the guile to be unleashed on the world and to come out in one piece. While those days still may be ahead of me, it's not a major focus for me. But for many people, they thrive on the celebrity culture and the hopes that they can one day make it into the tabloids with fame and fortune at their beckon call. These free creative writing prompts about the cult of celebrity may help you to realize that being famous isn't all its cracked up to be...but it sure is interesting to write about! 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Celebrity

1. You have shot up to superstardom through the ranks of the entertainment world and now you are hounded by the paparazzi every single day. How do you and your loved ones deal with this change?

2. You aren't a celebrity, but some how you landed a date with one! What's it like going on a first date with cameras and autograph hounds continuously interrupting you?

3. A random YouTube video about a very political subject has become the most popular video on the site the last month or so. People from both sides of the issue have come up to you on the street. What are there reactions and how are you using the new found fame to your advantage?

4. Who is your favorite celebrity past or present and why? If you could do any activity with this person what would it be and why? Detail a story in which you are doing that.

5. You are in charge of a charity event and you have a major celebrity as your master of ceremonies. This MC is having some sort of problem (mentally or physically) that you need to help your celebrity with in order to make your charity event go well. Talk about your experiences.

6. What is the closest you've ever been to a celebrity (i.e. Jennifer Aniston bumped into me once) and how do you tell the story to your friends? If you don't have a situation like this, make one up.

7. With YouTube and Reality TV, it seems like people are becoming celebrities for extremely silly reasons. Write about some "celebrities" that have gone down that path and what you believe the prognosis is for those folks.

8. Pick up a copy of a tabloid. Write some stories based on the ridiculous headlines held within. Celebrity comedy gold I tells ya! :)

9. If you were rich and famous how would you use your clout for charity? How would you use it for personal gain?

10. You have become known for a catch phrase that people repeat to you ever time they see you in the streets. Talk about a day in your life and how you stand hearing the same thing over and over again. 

If you were to become famous, how do you think it would come about? A hit book, a reality tv show appearance, a saucy date with a Hollywood starlet? No matter how it might occur, think about these free creative writing prompts about celebrity if you ever get there and make sure not to lose yourself in the glamor and the glitz. You are still a conscious and awesome human being, even if the tabloids say you're sleeping with that 90210 star. Ick! Happy writing! :) 

Bonus Prompt - You have been given the power to turn 3 celebrities into normal people and 3 normal people into celebrities. Who do you pick and how does their first week go in their new roles? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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