Free Creative Writing Prompts #38: Divorce

I'll admit that my parents are together and have never been separated. This may mean that I am not the best possible creator of these freecreative writing promptsabout divorce. But these days, we've all been affected by divorce, whether it be our friends, our colleagues, or our significant others. The divorce rate is so high in the United States that you've got to imagine that most of the people you run into have been impacted in some way. This unfortunate event in a person's life can lead to some great ideas from a writing standpoint. If you are interested in sharing this potentially touchy subject matter, feel free to use the box below the prompts.

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Divorce

1. Create a character who experienced his parents divorce at a very young age. How has this affected his or her trust issues and how the character feels about love as he or she has grown up?

2. If you've been divorced, write a story about your experiences going through the process from the decision all the way through the first few years. If you haven't, create a story about characters who have.

3. An inevitable part of divorce is how it affects the family, both immediate and extended. Create a story based on 2 Christmas holidays, one pre-divorce and one post-divorce. Have the entire family involved in each.

4. You and your spouse are equal friends with couple that is getting a divorce. How does this change the friendship and do you side with one particularly over another?

5. You, a recent divorcee, are going on a first date with another recent divorcee. You can't help but talk about your recently ended marriages. How does this dialogue go? Is there a second date?

6. If you were to get divorced from a significant other, do you think it would be amicable or brutal? Create a story of both possibilities if you aren't sure.

7. Detail a story of a brutal legal battle between a divorcing couple over custody and child support. It's tough stuff, but there are so many pieces of literature, television, and film about it, it's worth giving a shot.

8. You feel as though you are in an amazing marriage with an amazing partner. Out of nowhere, your partner asks for a divorce. What happens next?

9. It's tough not to gossip a little. Which two celebrities do you think will get a divorce next? You can always read the latest trashy tabloid to get some ideas :).

10. If you were a child of divorce, how do you feel like you dealt with it? Did you have to go to therapy? Did it help? I'm sure that it's hard, but extreme detail can be very beneficial. 

Deep, deep honesty can bring about some amazing words when writing. These free creative writing prompts about divorce may make you feel uncomfortable, but it's sometimes when we're put in such a position that we are truly able to flourish. Good skill on these prompts and be well. 

Bonus Prompt - You are given a magical choice. You can give your ex-spouse extreme happiness and have her find the love of her life with the push of a button. The other button, leads to her wanting to get back together with you, though your marriage troubles continue. What do you pick, why and what's the fallout? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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