Free Creative Writing Prompts #74: Dreams

Here are 10 free creative writing prompts about your awesome and scary slumbering dreams. When most people have a dream of interest, they do their best to try to figure out what it might mean. Why was I with this person from my past in such a random location? Why was I upset to be doing this activity when I usually love doing it? There are dream interpretation guides, dream classes and there even those who teach lucid dreaming so that you can craft your dreams at will. This much about dreams is true, when you have an extremely wacked out or seemingly prescient dream, it can stick with you for a lifetime. 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Dreams

1. You've just witnessed it. The end of the world. These kind of dreams are the ones you like to push out of your mind, but there's only one problem. Everything that happened in the beginning of your dream, from your trip to work to your conversations with co-workers, are word for word in line with the apocalyptic dream you just had. What happens next and what do you do about it?

2. Imagine that you had the chance to get your "dream" everything. Your dream job. Your dream partner. Your dream house. What would it be like if everything and person in your life was dreamily ideal? How would your typical day change?

3. Think back to all of your most memorable dreams and single out the scariest recurring dream you ever had. What do you think it symbolized? If you had complete control over the dream, how do you think you would have conquered such a fearful night of slumber?

4. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream that all people, regardless of race and creed, could come together as one. If you were placed behind a podium in front of thousands of people with the entire world watching, what do you think your dream would be for a better tomorrow and why?

5. Upon working for a mad scientist, you realize that you've been helping him to create a device that lets you go into other people's dreams! You take the technology out for a test drive one night. Whose dreams do you go into and what do you do while you're in there?

6. We've all had them and whether or not we talk about them, we probably enjoy our naughty dreams thoroughly. Describe your first risqué dream, why you think you had it and what your reaction was afterward. Did it cause you to feel happy, ashamed or a completely different emotion?

7. The world has been plunged into one large collective dream, with every person having the ability to control everything that affects his own skills, appearance and persona, but with no control over other people. How would this new order of things change your life in particular?

8. Have you ever had a dream that felt so completely real, you even convinced yourself that it was reality? What felt so genuine about the dream and what do you remember the most about it? What would it take for such an event to happen in real life?

9. Joseph, famous for his Technicolor dream coat, was also a killer dream interpreter. List five of your most confusing dreams and do your best to write an explanation of what they might mean. Which of these dream interpretations is the most important to your life and why?

10. Imagine that in your dream you could have a one-on-one meeting with the true inner-you: your subconscious. You can ask this inner-you any questions you want to find out about your identity, your desires and your destiny. What questions do you ask and how does your subconscious respond? 

Done with Free Creative Writing Prompts about Dreams? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts. 

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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