Free Creative Writing Prompts #7: Food

I'll be honest in saying that I am not a slim, trim, and perfectly weighted individual. Yes, despite the fact that I run a personal development website, I have on and off struggled with my weight for most of my adolescence and adulthood. I'm by no means unhealthy and I make efforts to exercise and eat well as often as possible. One of the reasons that this is is so good! There are so many amazing delicacies available at pretty much any time of the day (especially when you live in a city as restaurant friendly as Chicago). At any given point, I could find a deli, an Indian place, or get some Chinese food as comfort for the long-cold winter. These freecreative writing prompts will be about food. Because it's awesome.

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Food

1. Describe the most memorable meal you've ever had in your whole life (good or bad). Go into detail of the people who were there with you (if any), the courses that were served, the location of the meal, and how you felt before and after.

2. Depending on what type of meal (good or bad) you chose in prompt #1, go the opposite direction, and describe a meal that had the opposite effect on you. Go into the same detail of the people, courses, location, and feelings that you had.

3. Detail a fantastical evening in which you create the perfect meal, the perfect ambiance, and invite the perfect people. Elaborate greatly on the preparation and the reactions of your esteemed guests.

4. Write about eating an entire bowl of fruit. Feel free to make the fruits as exotic and interesting as possible. Really play on the use of all five senses with this exercise.

5. Your significant other (or a good friend) has invited you over for...pretty much the worst smelling and tasting meal you've ever experienced. Describe the entire encounter including every stomach churning bite.

6. This is a fun one: go into extreme (sexy) detail about a sexual encounter you've had that involved food. If you do not have such experience to draw from, make it up. If you are still stuck, watch that scene from Top Gun and you'll know what I'm talking about :).

7. You have been roped into cooking for 100 people! Describe your day from the trip to the supermarket all the way through to the interminable clean up.

8. Though the book "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" is fiction...giant portions of food begin raining down from the sky! How do you spend your first week in this new world where hunger is a memory and umbrellas are a necessity?

9. There's always that dish that "momma" made better than anybody else. It's something that you can't help but associate with home. Talk about the meal (or meals) that she created and what the memory of those meals means to you.

10. If you have ever been on a diet, write about your experiences with it. If not, make up a story in which you had to go on a diet for medical reasons. What would you have to cut out and how would you cope with these changes? 

I hope that you enjoyed these free creative writing prompts about food. They made me hungry. I'm gonna go eat a burrito now, ciao! :) 

Bonus Prompt - Create a science fiction or fantasy story using the scary sounding ingredients from a package of candy or ice cream! 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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