Free Creative Writing Prompts #25: Internet

The Internet is a vast, wonderful, scary place that has allowed billions of people to connect and to stay connected. Personally, as a blogger and a theatre producer, the Internet has simplified many of the buzz-building procedures that are necessary to be successful as either profession. It has taken the bite out of high school reunions (everybody already knows what people look like and what they're doing). It has also opened up various privacy issues throughout the world, some positive and some negative. These free creative writing prompts are about the many facets that the Internet has to offer and how they have affected our lives. If you'd like to share your writing with some other folks on the Internet, feel free to post responses to the prompts in the space at the bottom of the article. 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Internet

1. What is your favorite website and why? Talk about how much time you spend on it per week and the ways in which it fulfills you. What would happen if it was taken away from you?

2. Remember the days of dial-up connections? What would have happened if the world had never progressed beyond 56k modems? Detail a hypothetical story in which this is the case. What sites and phenomenons would never have happened?

3. Describe a time in which you got something for free off of the Internet that probably wasn't intentionally given away by the person who created it. Was it a BitTorrent? An unofficially leaked trailer for a movie? Now talk about the person who created it walking into your living room the second that you get it up on your screen.

4. You have been shrunk down to the size of a byte and you are bouncing around on the Internet! What does everything look and feel like? How do you get around and how are you going to get out of there?

5. Write a story about a person meeting a significant other over the Internet. This can be an adaptation of a true story if you or someone you know used this method. Go into full detail about it going well or poorly.

6. Talk about the weirdest place you've ever gotten Internet. A wi-fi cafe in a foreign country? On your iPhone while you're in a restroom? Describe the situation and talk about what a person would have thought about that phenomenon only 20 years ago.

7. Several people have talked about being pioneers of the Internet. Create a humorous story in which a rag tag bunch of nerdy programmers create the Internet and then have their ideas stolen by someone like Al Gore.

8. Describe a time where you accidentally (or purposefully) found something completely inappropriate on the Internet. Then turn it into a hypothetical story in which the worst person possible (your grandmother, your teacher, etc.) walks in on you and you have to explain the situation.

9. Do you feel as though the Internet has improved your connection with people or has it taken away from that connection? Use several examples and feel free to craft a story of online social awkwardness with it.

10. Talk about a time in which you had an Internet misunderstanding, whether it be through e-mail, instant message, Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere else. If you do not have such a time, make one up. Have fun with this one, feeling free to elaborate and exaggerate. 

One of the interesting things to think about with the Internet is that we don't completely know how it's going to evolve. 20 years ago, this talk of such immediate communication to so many people would have sounded pretty crazy. Who knows what crazy sounding things will be true in another 20 years of Internet development. I hope you enjoyed these free creative writing prompts about the Internet. Happy writing! 

Bonus Prompt - If you could run one website on the Internet (and make your fortune from it) what would it be and why? This can be an existing site or one that has not yet been created. 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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