Free Creative Writing Prompts #57: Law

I am most certainly not a rebel in a lot of ways. I was never arrested or got in trouble with the law when I was younger and I continue that trend through my adulthood. That being said, I have been pulled over, in car accidents, and I was held up at gunpoint once. So, I have had my various run-ins with the law. These free creative writing prompts deal with many different aspects of the law that you may have encountered during your life. The legal system can be protective or scary depending on where you're sitting. These prompts can help you to illustrate your point of view and the points of view of your characters about the law. Enjoy! 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Law

1. Write about a time in which you had a run in with the law. It may have been something as simple as being pulled over or something...a bit more serious. Talk about your experience from beginning to end and detail your emotions throughout.

2. There are many people who intentionally break certain laws because it isn't that difficult and there is very little chance that they will be caught. Do you completely follow all copywright laws and traffic laws? Talk about a time you've broken one or at least a time you've thought about breaking one.

3. Imagine that you have been accused of a crime that you didn't commit. While justice is served and you aren't convincted, talk about how the experience might change your life. Go into extreme detail.

4. If you could change one law that you think is unfair or just plain silly, what would it be and why? How would the world change for you and in general if this law was changed for the better (in your opinion)?

5. Whether it be via proxy or a person who is close to us, we almost all know someone who has been involved in an intense legal struggle, whether it be a suit, a divorce, or anything in between. Write about this person's struggles and how he or she ultimately got through it (or didn't get through it).

6. You have witnessed a crime and now you are being protected by the police to make sure that nobody comes after you. How does this change your life and what do you think this event will do for you if you are able to make your testimony?

7. You are a lawyer in a high profile case that may determine the direction our country goes in for the next 50 years. What do you believe the case might be and how do you argue for it?

8. Have you ever felt inclined (or actually gone through with) to sue someone? What was the situation and why did you or did you not go through with it? Do you think you could have won?

9. Have you ever signed a contract that you regretted? What kind of legal problems did this lead to and what ended up resulting in the situation.

10. How would you explain the legal system to a 1st grader who has to write a paper on the subject? What kind of questions does he or she ask and how do you respond to them? Go into detail and go through the time when the 1st grader gets his or her paper back. 

Depending on where you stand, what race you are, and your economic status, you should try putting yourself into the position of both sides of the legal system. If you are sometimes mistaken for a criminal, try thinking like a police officer or a judge who might accuse you of such. If you are calling the cops on suspicious people five times a day, try looking at it from the perpsective of the wrongfully accused. These free creative writing prompts about law certainly can't change your perspective after reading one web page, but I hope that it can at least get you to understand the context of your current convictions. Happy writing! 

Bonus Prompt - Imagine that we were in a lawless state like in those post-apocalyptic movies. How would you life change and what would you do to survive such a way of living? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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