Free Creative Writing Prompts #58: Pregnancy

I'm a dude. And I've never gotten anybody pregnant before. My experience is limited to my friends who have gotten pregnant and what I've seen and heard out in the world. Still, these free creative writing prompts may help you to understand what you're thinking and feeling (or what you have thought and felt in the past) about pregnancy. Whether you're a first-time dad or a 3rd time mom, writing from these prompts may improve your self-understand and give you a chance to "write what you know." Enjoy! 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Pregnancy

1. Imagine that you have become pregnant accidentally. What are the thoughts that run through your head and what decisions do you make about your life from there on out? What do the people in your life say to you as advice?

2. Write about walking around during the 8th and 9th month of pregnancy while carrying around this extremely heavy baby in your womb. Talk about it during your first pregnancy, making it the first experience with this for you. How do you feel and what activities are you extremely restricted from.

3. What is your experience with the mood shifts of pregnancy? Were you able to keep them under control or did you sometimes have burst of emotions that affected the people around you? How did you and those people cope with said emotions?

4. Discuss the experience of having life inside of you. How does it make you feel and is there any other experience that you can compare it to? Be very detailed.

5. You are going into labor! Describe the whirlwind of rushing to the hospital (or rushing to your birthing site) and giving birth. Did you choose to take drugs or not? Did you need to get a C-section or not? Talk about everything.

6. Did people treat you differently in a good way or a bad way when they found that you were pregnant? Did you find that you were able to relate more to some and less to others? How did work, home, and public times in your life change?

7. How do you feel that you were similar and different to when your mother was pregnant with you? How does she discuss it and and what do you think that you could do differently to make it a better experience for you?

8. Talk about the people that have helped you during your pregnancy. Whether they are friends, family, or significant others, write about the ways in which they were indispensable during your 9 months of pregnancy.

9. Imagine that you are a little boy or girl and you have just found out that your mother is pregnant again. How does this affect you? Play this against a story in which you find out about the pregnancy of yourself or a significant other. How are they different and how are they similar?

10. Go into detail about all the preparations for a baby. Picking out the furniture, getting clothing, coming up with names, etc. Have fun with this, especially if you've never been pregnant before or if you're an old pro. 

I do hope someday to be a father and a good one at that. I'm sure I will learn a ton more through experience pregnancy with my partner than I ever have by viewing the situation with other people. These free creative writing prompts about pregnancy have got me thinking about just how much I will have to learn when I'm in the thick of it. For you veterans, feel free to use and abuse these prompts in the space below to get into a good writing groove. Happy babies and happy writing! 

Bonus Prompt - You have a choice of giving birth to a clone of any famous person living or dead and bringing them up through their youth. Who do you choose and how do things change with the knowledge of the great potential this baby has? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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