Free Creative Writing Prompts #44: Prom

The prom and school dances in general can be some of the biggest events in a high schooler's life. From the anticipation of asking someone to be your date, to the limo ride, to the awkward, cute slow dances at the end, it is a roller coaster of emotions and hormones. These free creative writing prompts about the prom may allow you to take from those memories so as to craft some writing out of them. Feel free to share your writing using the form below the prompts. Enjoy! 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Prom

1. Write a story detailing your most memorable prom (Junior, Senior, College, etc.) from top to bottom. From what you and your date wore, to who you went with, and the songs you danced to.

2. What would be the perfect "last dance" song to you? Which song could you see yourself remembering for the rest of your life for "good reasons?" Talk about how your dance with the love of your life would have been with that song playing.

3. You, your date, and your friends are all drinking inside the limo that is taking you guys to prom. Here's the problem. The limo has been pulled over and all of you have been busted! Describe your prom evening that is taking place in the police station waiting for your parents.

4. Who was your best date ever to one of these school dances? Who was your worst date? Do a sort of back and forth story between the two, comparing what one date did correctly and what the other did...less than correctly :).

5. Oh, those parental pre-prom picture sessions. Write a story (using your experiences or not) demonstrating the wackiness of a series of photographs before the prom. What do the freeze frames look like and what is happening in between them.

6. What are the wackiest prom outfits you've ever seen? Is it the pimp outfit? The duct tape dress? Go into detail and then put yourself in the shoes of the person who wore such an outfit.

7. Imagine your senior if it were in a 1980s movie! Cast some popular stereotypes (or 80s actors) for these roles and go to town. It doesn't matter if your prom actually was in the 80s or not, as these movies didn't always...match the times anyway :).

8. Write about a girl at a prom who's dress has completely fallen apart and she needs to deal with it and either salvage or flee the prom as soon as she can. This can be from experience or not :).

9. Asking someone to the dance can be the scariest part of prom. Create a story in which a boy unsuccessfully asks 4 dates to prom before find the right one.

10. The school's favorite band is playing prom! And they' their own way of doing things. Imagine that you are an administrator and that your job is to keep the band in line. Explain what happens over the course of the night. 

I don't think I'll ever be able to forget my junior and senior prom experiences. There was so much build-up and there were so many little things that has permanently wedged themselves in my brain. I hope that these free creative writing prompts about the prom can help you with some writing ideas if you are in the same boat as me. Happy writing! 

Bonus Prompt - You have been given the power to re-write your own prom experiences to be absolutely perfect. From the pre-picture section to the after-party. What is your ideal prom? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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