Free Creative Writing Prompts #8: Prosperity

One of the greatest finds of my personal development career was the discovery of countless books on the subject of prosperity. Growing up on the low end of an upper-middle class suburban town, we never really had to worry about money but we didn't have any extra money to spend either. We got pretty much what everybody else got. That being said, my parents were never really that great with money and they have languished in debt like the rest of the country. Learning about the law of attraction was a window into fantastic prosperity books from authors like Caterine Ponder, Napoleon Hill, and Jerry and Esther Hicks. There are skills to learn about money, but there is also a particular mindset. These free creative writing prompts will be about prosperity, the mindset needed to be truly wealthy. 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Prosperity

1. Imagine that you have a $100 bill in your wallet. You go to the grocery store and after making purchases you spend exactly $100. When you look back in your wallet you see that there is another $100. You spend it again. It comes back! Detail your first week with this ever-replenishing $100 bill (Thanks to the Hicks and Steve Pavlina for this idea).

2. You have just won a great sum of money from the lottery to be divied out in $1000 increments each week for the rest of your life. What will you do with this newly added income? Describe your first year with this exciting addition to your life.

3. After a freak accident (resembling a comic book origin story) you gain the ability to receive everything that you think about. How do you use this newfound power to increase your money, your possessions, and your charity?

4. Your hard work on a screenplay has paid off! Not have you sold your first one for $500,000, but a powerful Hollywood executive has asked you to complete a 5 picture deal, making double that amount on each progressive script. Talk about the changes in your life that have occurred from this new offer. How does this change your family, friends, and living arrangements?

5. A wealthy relative has passed away, leaving you her entire estate. She asks that you use this money to secure your future and to improve the conditions of the community she grew up in. Talk about the step by step plan you create and how people around you react to your decisions.

6. A few strokes of luck have propelled you through the social ranks. You now call several big celebrities your friends and they have given you enough opportunities to make almost ten times the money you make now. How do you balance this new social lifestyle with your work and home life?

7. You have $100,000 to give to whatever charities you want. Pick, choose, and visit each of these charities directly, getting a chance to see exactly where your money has gone.

8. It suddenly comes to you, the idea that will make you financially stable and secure for the rest of your life. The only problem? You have to majorly renovate your life to be more productive and efficient. What will you do? Can you successfully avoid Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns to get your idea in place effectively?

9. Your significant other becomes a millionaire and starts buying stuff for you all the time. How does that make you feel? Can you use your lessons to become wealthy yourself?

10. The greatest financial minds of all time have taken you into a big conference room. You have the opportunity to ask them as many questions as you want; to learn their secrets. What do you ask them and who tells you what? 

Write these prompts and who knows what'll happen. Perhaps one of these free creative writing prompts about prosperity will come true! That's what I'm hoping for myself :). 

Bonus Prompt - You are somehow transported back into the 1940s with a million dollars in your bank account. That practically makes you a billionaire compared to the 2000s. What will you do with your time now that you can pretty much buy anything you want (that has been created by the 1940s :) ) ? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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