Free Creative Writing Prompts #68: 
Romantic Comedy

I am a sucker for these things. These free creative writing prompts about romantic comedies taps into our inner saps and allows us to play our deepest romantic desires for all the words they're worth. While our actual lives are often the farthest things from a paint by the numbers romantic comedy, these things sell like hotcakes as both books and movies. It's never a bad idea to have one of these in the back pocket when presenting work to a publisher or film company. Not only that, but working on stories like these can help you to determine what you really want in a relationship in comparison to what movie characters want (not always the same thing!). Have a good time with these and feel the love! :) 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Romantic Comedy

1. You have been re-acquainted with a long lost love...just a few days before he or she is going to be married to a total jerk! You are set on getting back together with this person and you'll stop at nothing. What do you do to out this jerk and get back with the one you love?

2. Describe meeting your current or former significant other as if the entire situation was a romantic comedy. Filled with kooky characters and humorous situations, make your story into a very stereotypical rom-com.

3. What is your favorite romantic comedy movie and why? What would change about the movie if you were inserted into one of the main or supporting roles? Talk about these changes and go into extreme details.

4. You have been given the creative reigns of a multi-million dollar romantic comedy starring the actors of your choice. Who do you choose, what do you write, and how does the production go?

5. A love potion has begun to spread around the world, causing almost everybody to fall in love. Whether they want to or not! What would happen in such a world and would you be more likely to be wooed or wooing?

6. It is a major World War and almost everybody is called to arms. You and your significant other must be separated for many years at a time. Write a story about your communication and the crazy adventures on either side before coming back together.

7. What is your favorite television or movie couple of all time? What is it that made them such a fantastic couple? What can you learn from them in your own life and relationships?

8. Your parents have sat you and your siblings down to tell you the real, no-holds barred story of how they got together. Hold onto your hats, this is a doozy. Make up the wildest situation possible that your parents could have gotten into, mixing fact with fiction to show how they ended up together.

9. You are the parent of a teenager involved in a teen grossout romantic comedy (a la American Pie). How do you get involved in the story and what do you do to make sure your son or daughter doesn't do anything you wouldn't do? Go into details and keep it from your perspective.

10. Turn a tragic book, comedy, or play into a romantic comedy. Mash up the details in such a way that there is an extremely happy ending that leaves everybody satisfied. You can do this with any medium, just have a good time with it. 

People are often jaded about love to the point that they dismiss all real live versions of the emotion. While these free creative writing prompts about romantic comedy won't necessarily fix your opinions on love, you should make an effort to realize that love takes a lot of work to create and that it shouldn't be something that you feel like somebody owes you. Love is a verb, which means that it takes effort, action on the parts of both parties to function. Amusingly enough, romantic comedies often illustrate this due to the grand actions on both people's parts in the movie. Maybe we can learn something from Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. Then again...happy writing! :) 

Bonus Prompt - Take a romantic comedy that you believe failed poorly and edit it in such a way that it could gain an Academy Award (or at least give you a few chuckles). Change everything that doesn't work and replace it with something that you believe would suit the story better. 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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