Free Creative Writing Prompts #42: Spring

Some refer to the season of spring as a rebirth, a reawakening of the world after the long winter. Spring has been written about by many poets and novelists alike as a grand metaphor for the cycle of earth. These free creative writing prompts about spring can make it easier to come up with some personal ideas so that you can convey what "your spring" is like. If you want to share that with the world, feel free to write one of the prompts in the space below the prompts. These prompts are also a good way to feel warm during the dead of winter, as it never hurts to psyche yourself out every once in a while :). 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Spring

1. It's the first warm, pleasant day of the Spring season. What kind of activities do you do outside to embrace the day?

2. It's April and you know what the means: April Showers. Big time! Talk about living through a month of nearly all Spring-time rain.

3. You go on a nature walk date with your significant other. Your partner is an extreme flower lover and goes into all the details of every plant you stumble upon. What is your reaction?

4. Spring cleaning! Create a story in which you have to get rid of a lot of prized memorabilia from your past.

5. You are in a meadow that truly shows the beauty of Spring. There is green everywhere punctuated by other bright colors. You close your eyes and breathe in. What is going through your mind?

6. Describe a spring gardening session. If you don't know what that would consist of, either look it up or make it up.

7. You go out of your front door and you're confronted by...bees! A spring hive of bees has formed near your front door. Write the story about you dealing with the hive.

8. You have been invited to a spring-themed potluck dinner. What spring related dish do you bring and why?

9. Time for some spring fruit picking with your family! Describe a time where your family fruit picked. This story can be made up or exaggerated if you wish.

10. Talk about your experiences with Spring sports. This could be connected to Spring Training, field hockey, lacrosse. Really anything Spring and sport-related. 

Personally, I'm trying to put thoughts of Spring training off to the side as my Phillies are trying to come back from a deficit in the World Series, but anyway...I hope you enjoyed these free creative writing prompts about Spring. I have had countless important events happen to me in Spring and it's fantastic to be able to go down memory lane and put them down on paper. Maybe some of you guys n' gals will have the same experience. Happy writing! 

Bonus Prompt - You have control over the weather and can create one perfect spring day. What do you do? 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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