Free Creative Writing Prompts #41: Winter

Slowly but surely at the time of this post, we are creeping toward winter. As a Chicagoan currently, this means that I need to get used to some sub zero temperatures and occasional ice and snow storms. Every day in this kind of environment can be an adventure and is worth writing about. These free creative writing prompts center on the howling wind, tightly-packed snowballs, and icy patches of winter. Who said talking about the weather is boring?! 

Free Creative Writing Prompts: Winter

1. Describe a situation in which you were the coldest you've ever been in your life during the winter.

2. It's probably difficult to remember your first snowfall as a child. Do a sort of bird's eye view account of what that experience could have been like for "little you."

3. After a big snowstorm, you and your family are trapped in the house with no place to go for at least the next 48 hours. What do you do with this time?

4. Ice skating on natural ice! Talk about a time in which you skated on real ice (not in a rink). Make up the story if you don't have one.

5. It is - 10 degrees F outside. What do you wear? Detail your dressing process for the extreme cold.

6. You are building the most extreme snow display ever. Not just a snowman but an entire snow city! Talk about you and your fellow builders creating such beauty.

7. You and your dorm face off against another dorm in an epic snowball extravaganza. Detail the entire battle.

8. Driving on snow and ice takes a great deal of patience and skill. Create a story about a long ice driving trip.

9. Sitting by a roaring fireplace, sipping a hot cocoa, while bundled up in a fleece blanket. Talk about how wonderful this can be in the dead of winter.

10. What is your favorite past experience that occurred during the season of winter. Be very specific. 

I'll admit, number 7, is all me. I made an effort to find the UNC magazine article that talked about a conquest that started in one quad and moved to the center of campus and stormed a classroom building. Ah, college. I was like Napoleon. Anyway! I hope you enjoyed these free creative writing prompts about winter. Perhaps when you're stuck inside this coming season, you'll have more to do than simply sip hot chocolate. Just make sure to get enough paper before you're snowed in! 

Bonus Prompt - You meet the Abominable Snowman! Seems like a pretty cool dude, what do you talk about? 

Related Articles to Prompts about Winter
Free Creative Writing Prompts from the Heart, Part 1
Free Creative Writing Prompts #2: Love
Creative Writing Exercises #2: Relaxation

Done with this page? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts. 

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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