Review: Genealogical Information Online on Teachers Pay Teachers

The U.S. Genealogical Information Online sheet is a free download on Teachers Pay Teachers. The single-page document is a collection of free or nearly-free online resources that can be used to trace a person’s genealogy. Genealogy is a useful tool not only for personal family research, but for creative fiction and nonfiction writing and also some possible applications for a U.S. history curriculum.

Resources are organized according to the type of research. For example, there’s a section for immigration records, another for census information, and another for vital records. Many of these resources contain the searchable information, and others are “databases of databases” to help searchers locate the right source of information.

What’s more, not all of these resources are limited only to genealogy. There are links to searchable databases for newspapers, libraries, and historical societies, all of which provide a wealth of information that would be relevant to researchers of any historical topic. Because of the breadth of data available, there are countless ways students – really, authors of any age – can use these resources.

Because these resources are all online, they are suitable for students in 9th grade or older, though younger students could probably use these resources easily with a little bit of help or supervision depending on family or classroom rules and the student’s computer skills.

You can download your own copy of U.S. Genealogical Information Online here.

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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