Review: Historical Fiction Story Rubric on Teachers Pay Teachers

The historical fiction story rubric on Teachers Pay Teachers is a free download consisting of two rubrics to evaluate historical fiction. One rubric is to be applied to the final story, and the second is meant to assist students in a peer review process of their classmates’ writing.

The rubric provides a 4-point scale evaluating each of 6 criteria, making a possible high score of 24 points. Graders can then convert the 24-point scale to their own grading systems. The rubric is a highly detailed set of standards that evaluates the writing for its content and story development as well as mechanics and word choice.

This particular download doesn’t include writing prompts to accompany the rubric, and the rubric itself is not written so specifically as to limit its application within historical fiction. It’s a fantastic resource that can be used to combine a history curriculum with a writing assignment, or many assignments.

I spent my four years of high school in a highly rigorous academic program that required copious amounts of essay-writing. The assignments that came with a rubric – and this was most of them – were some of my favorites, because I was able to write my essay knowing exactly what was expected of me. That’s the benefit of a rubric – it gives a very clear picture of the standard to which an essay will be graded. Teachers who offer this rubric to their students are likely to see a stronger showing in the final product when compared to essays written without a rubric.

You can download your own copy of the historical fiction story rubric here.

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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