How the Smell of Funnel Cakes Got Me to the Fair

by Allison G.
(Georgia, USA)

I was trying my very best, without much luck, to convince my brother and sister to go to the yearly, local fair that was happening only a mile from our house. I was only allowed to go if one of them went with me and I really wanted to go. They both wanted to go inside and watch TV, like they always do, but I wanted to get out of the house and have some fun! I love the crowds, the food, the smells, and the rides of fairs and festivals. As we stood outside arguing, the wind changed direction and blew the smells right to us. Oh, I could smell everything! The smell of turkey legs roasting made my mouth water and the delicious scent of the popcorn was almost unbearable. I asked my brother and sister if they could smell how wonderful the fair was. Suddenly, they turned their faces into the breeze and inhaled deeply. I could tell as I watched their faces change that the smells of the festival were changing their minds. My brother said that he could smell the machinery of the rides and my sister said that she suddenly had a craving for a funnel cake! As the smells overtook us we got on our bikes and rode to the festival. It seemed we could not get there fast enough. I could hardly contain my excitement as we got closer and closer. The smells became stronger and the sounds of the fair began to fill our ears. As we locked up our bikes all I could think of was how thankful I was for the smells of the fair that convinced my family to go experience it with me. My brother had so much fun on the rides and my sister bought each of us a funnel cake!

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