by Jake Gore
(Ocala, Fl, USA)
I could never live with out my phone, and if I had it takin away from me for a week it would suck. Two reasons why I wouldnt want it gone from me is my phone is an easy way for me to get in touch with someone and secondly my phone helps me out big time.
If my phone was takin from me for a week I dont know what I would do, my phone is the only piece of technology that can help me get ahold of someone. I mean imagine you get lost in the middle of know where in this week you have your phone takin from you what do you do? how are you supposed to get in touch with someone for help. You dont you are screwed. Thats my first reason why I could not live without my phone.
My second reason why I couldnt live without my phone is beacause it helps me enteract with peolpe and keeps me updated. I mean pitcure this if you didnt have a phone you wouldnt be able to stay in touch with your friends and you wouldnt know about everything thats going on. basically your social life is over without a phone. Thats my secondd reason why i couldnt lose my phone.
In conclusion i couldnt lose my most valuable technology which is my phone beacuse without it your not going to stay intouch with your friends and lastly your not going to have a social life. Those are my reason why my phone is my favorite technology and i couldnt affrod to lose it.
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