Independence Day
Writing Prompts #2

Here are 10 Independence Day writing prompts you can use to ring in the holiday with your classroom or your own personal journal. If you enjoyed these prompts, buy the entire collection of 1,000 Writing Prompts for Holidays on Amazon.

951. What are some of the things that freedom means to you? How would your life change if you and your family members no longer had freedom?

952. Imagine that you have been entered into a patriotic costume contest. What kind of clothing would you wear to look as patriotic as possible? Describe your outfit from top to bottom.

953. Describe the different types of fireworks you've seen. Why do some fireworks explode right away while others make crazy sounds and shoot way up into the air before detonating?

954. You hear a sound at your window and are surprised to find a Bald Eagle, one of the symbols of the United States, at your window to deliver a message. What is the message? How do you go about delivering that message to everyone you know?

955. Write a dialogue between two fireworks before they're about to be fired off into the sky. How well do these explosive personalities get along and why?

956. Have you ever visited your state capital or the capital of the entire country? What sights might you want to see when you visit and why would you want to visit them?

957. Why is the American flag sometimes called the "stars and stripes?" What other nicknames might you give to one of the major symbols of the United States?

958. Imagine that you are a master chef getting ready to cook for a 4th of July celebration. What kind of foods will you cook and why? Do you have any special way of preparing them to set them apart?

959. Imagine that you were at the signing of the Declaration of Independence way back in 1776. Describe the other people there, including the most famous founding fathers in our history. Would you be surprised by anything you see there? Why or why not?

960. How would a celebration for Independence Day have been different 100 years ago? How would a 4th of July celebration be different 100 years in the future?

Did you enjoy these Independence Day writing prompts? Buy a book full of holiday writing prompts today!

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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