International Womens Day Writing Prompts #5

Here are 10 International Womens Day writing prompts you can use to ring in the holiday with your classroom or your own personal journal. If you enjoyed these prompts, buy the entire collection of 1,000 Writing Prompts for Holidays on Amazon.

591. One of the precursors to International Women's Day was celebrated in the United States after women garment workers protested against poor working conditions. Why might a boss not treat his female (or male) workers with respect?

592. During such early women's strikes, both men and women in the area apparently made fun of women demanding better conditions. Why do you think people mocked the women instead of joining them?

593. Create a conversation between two women in the early 1900s hoping for equal treatment in the workplace and the home. How do you think the two of them would be encouraged by how the world has changed since that time?

594. In those early days, women and children alike were forced to work much more than 40-hour work weeks with little to no pay. Imagine that you had to work in sweat shop instead of going to school. How would your typical day be different? Why would it be unfair?

595. The first International Women's Day in 1911 saw men and women alike arguing for women's rights to voting, equal pay and equal treatment at the workplace. How would you feel if you weren't given the same rights as your friends and family members? In what ways might you protest your lack of equality?

596. Early feminist activists like Mother Jones and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn were often arrested or mocked for their desire to improve women's rights. Why do you think it has become more accepted nowadays for women to speak out against unfair treatment?

597. International Women's Day wasn't officially recognized until 1977, after a United Nations declaration. Why do you think it took more than 60 years from the first celebration for the holiday to be made official?

598. In many countries, women still don't have equal access to education, training, science and technology. Do you think it's important for women to get equality all over the world? Why or why not?

599. Write a poem about the most inspirational woman in your life. Make sure to include why she inspires you and how she has impacted your life.

600. Why do you think International Women's Day has not caught on in the United States as much as it has internationally? If you could host a celebration for women in the U.S., what would it consist of and why?

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    Written by Bryan Cohen

    Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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