It's a Dirty Job but Somebody has to do it.

by PtosisTheseus

I was listening to “Take This Job and Shove It" by Johnny Paycheck on the golden oldies radio station. I turned up the volume and say loudly off key, 
The foreman, he's a regular dawg
The line boss, he's a fool
He got a flat top haircut
Lord, the boy thinks he's cool
One of these days
I'm gonna blow my top
And that sucker, he's gonna pay

I quit singing and turned down the volume as I rolled up onto a red light where a police car was in the other lane. Trying to stay looking forward, trying to act nonchalant, but I can feel the eyes crawling over me, trying to see what I’ve got. The light turned green and I rolled forward but the cop stayed motionless. It was creepy.

Started thinking about that Stephan King story “Desperation" where there is a Sheriff that has been taken over by an ancient evil spirit. Driving through the desolate Arizona desert alone with a insane Sheriff who wants to tear your soul out is worse than death.

The cruiser had it’s high beams on and was tailgating me. I began to start sweating and rolled down the windows but was unable to turn the steering wheel to pull over.

The alarm clock sudden blaring woke me up from my nightmare that I was having. Somethings are more horrible than a dirty job. At least I get to go home and clean off the smell of death and

I work at Biopro, as a dead body clean up and crime scene cleaning service that includes odor removal due to body decomposition, disinfection and more. I put on my water-proof plastic covered paper suit and tape up at the ankles and wrists so no cockroaches enters my disposable cleanup suit.

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