Review: Magnetic Poetry Kit on Teachers Pay Teachers

The Make Your Own Magnetic Poetry Kit download is a free document on Teachers Pay Teachers. The download packet is a PDF that includes instructions, a photo, a materials list, and then seven pages full of words that will become the activity. The printed pages include a wide assortment of words as well as punctuation and a few suffixes like –ed, -ing, and –ly. To make the kit, simply print the word pages on sheets of thin printable magnetic paper. You can find this specialty paper at major retailers and office supply stores as well as online.

If there's not a large magnetized surface in the classroom accessible to students (such as a large file cabinet), students can use a cookie sheet or other small metal tray of some sort to assemble the magnetized words into poems, sentences, and other small bits of creative writing. There’s a wide range of assignment possibilities that come along with this idea, including having students create anything from haiku to acrostics to a fun collaboration among students.

The activity includes suggestions to use the magnetic poetry kit as part of a classroom writing station or indoor recess period, but this is an activity that would have appeal to children and adults alike. Who doesn’t love to stand in front of a refrigerator full of words to shuffle around? And when it comes to this method of creative writing, good fun for adults is a learning opportunity for students!

You can download your own copy of the Magnetic Poetry Kit here.

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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