Marketing and Promotion

Marketing and promotion is a struggle for many authors who are just starting out. It seems like everybody in the business has thousands of readers and giant Twitter followers. With a few small tweaks in your own campaign, you can reach the same heights as your peers without spending all your time on Facebook. Here are some of my recent articles. 

Updated on 7/15/14

I learned a lot from the four Facebook author events I ran in June. Here are five tips that could help you to run similar events. 

I just wrote a 10 year plan for the next 10 years of my self-publishing career. Check it out

Are you searching for the secret path to publicity? There is one. It just might not be as simple as you're hoping for. 

Learn more about staying in the writing business by supplementing your part-time self-publishing income. 

Do you feel like you're spamming your friends every time you market your book? Here's a guide on Self Promotion for Non-Jerks

Check out my post-mortem on the successes and failures of the March to a Bestseller event. 

Does marketing your book make you wish you had a support team? Here's a bit of marketing inspiration from Earth's mightiest heroes

There are so many author marketing strategy books out there. How can you separate the wheat from the chaff? Check out this post on author David Gaughran's latest writing book for a good place to start. 

Learn how I got over 50 Amazon reviews on my latest book. 

Here's a new writing tip on increasing your self publishing sales

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Written by Bryan Cohen

Bryan Cohen is the author of more than 30 books, many of which focus on creative writing and blasting through that pesky writer's block. His books have sold more than 20,000 copies. You can find him on and Facebook.
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